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More decongestant actions will be up coming....
今年農曆七月十三日(星期日),鬼節前夕,至七月十四日子時,再次邀請藝術家將創作其紮作,以回應他/ 她心目中認為現今時勢有人仍未兌現承諾的事件。不同獨特造型的紮作表示香港地各式各樣無信用及荒謬事件充斥,反映香港地現時生活運作正面對著謊言和不安。把紮作逐一焚燒,目的希望:
At the night of July Thirteen of the Lunar calendar, artists are invited to express their views on various ridiculous current issues in town, through burning off their artworks mainly made out of paper and bamboo sticks. The burning ritual involves:
“trading”: to invite “spirits” to help impossible missions on earth;
“fire”: to turn everything into ashes; “anger release” after filing one’s complaints to the spirits;
“the act of giving”: for the respectful ancestors; “sincere prayers” to make wishes come true;
“festival spirit”: that only seeks to follow the traditional custom;
“curisng,” “performing,” “help seeking,” and many many other aspects …
that cannot be all written down.
《燒數簿 2017》錄像紀錄 | Documentation Video of "On Fire 2017" :
參與藝術家: 嚴瑞芳、梁衘東、葉啟俊、朱耀煒、劉南茜、余榮基、馮捲雪、梁展峰、李碧琪 、鄧廣燊、周姍祐、C&G
拍攝紀錄: 廖韜
現場創作時間: 2017年9月3日(星期日),晚上9:30 - 11:01
現場創作地點: 香港 九龍 太子 太子道/水渠道花園
文獻展覽日期: 2017年9月15日(星期五) 至2017年10月22日(星期日)
展覽時間: 下午2:00-7:00,逢星期四、五、六、日、一,(星期二、三及公眾假期休息)
展覽地點: 香港 九龍 太子 西洋菜南街222號 三字樓 C&G 藝術單位 (港鐵太子站B2出口,始創中心後)
Presented by: C & G Artpartment
Artists: YIM Sui Fong, Ocean LEUNG, YIP Kai Chun, CHU Yiu Wai(Price), Nanxi LIU, YU Wing Kei(Rik), Michelle FUNG, Jeff LEUNG, Peggy LEE, TANG Kwong San , CHAU Intuon, C & G
Documentary Partner: LIU To
Time of On-site Activity: 9:30 - 11:01pm,(Sun) 3 Sept, 2017
Place of On-site Activity: Prince Edward Road/Nullah Road Garden, Prince Edward, KLN, Hong Kong
Documentation Exhibition Period: (Fri) 15 Sep, 2017 to (Sun) 22 Oct, 2017
Exhibition Time: 2:00 - 7:00pm, Thursday to Monday, (Closed on Tue, Wed and Public Holiday)
Exhibition Address: C & G Artpartment, 3/F, 222 Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Prince Edward, Kowloon, Hong Kong
(Exit B2, Prince Edward MTR Station, Behind Pioneer Centre)
有關西九化談實錄 四 之 燒數簿2017| About Decongestants for West-Kowloonization IV: On Fire 2017: (please roll down for English)
自2007年開始,C & G藝術單位曾策劃超過十個與西九文化區有關的藝術活動,當中大部是在西九現址舉行;自2005年開始,C & G亦參與不少其他單位在西九文化區舉辦的藝術活動。十多年來,親眼所見、親耳所聞、親身所試,西九所營造的由上而下的「高格調」藝術,一方面影響著香港(尤其政府)對藝術價值觀念,即藝術是投資工具;另一方面,西九的出現,影響著硬件建設的重要性凌駕軟件政策策略,即未有全盤文化藝術政策策略就先招標建館;又另一方面,西九的出現,未能積極帶動政府發展其附近九龍西區,甚至全香港的文化藝術生態;另另另一方面,西九作為回歸後第一隻大白象的出現,局內人對西九發展往往欲言又止、吞吞吐吐,彷彿有痰封喉此招成功拖延了十多二十年,促使政府對西九以外其他大白象工程,也一律採取封喉招數。還有,最近,西九又將空降「故宮」,官員沾沾自喜自命封喉了得、滴水不漏;還還有,無須向公眾諮詢動用近乎千億公帑一意孤行的一地兩檢西九高速鐵路站。總之問題數之不盡……
去年,我們曾以《燒數簿》為主題,邀請藝術家配合傳統七月十四「鬼節」,以焚燒紮作表達對上述主題的見解。由於反應非常熱烈,今年農曆七月十三日(星期日),鬼節前夕,至七月十四日子時,再次邀請藝術家將創作其紮作,以回應他/ 她心目中認為現今時勢有人仍未兌現承諾的事件。不同獨特造型的紮作表示香港地各式各樣無信用及荒謬事件充斥,反映香港地現時生活運作正面對著謊言和不安。把紮作逐一焚燒,目的希望:
鼓勵民眾配合藝術家參與觀察、創作、分享、討論、po上網等等。活動進行期間,我們會進行拍照及 / 或錄像記錄,作日後文獻資料展覽展示用途,讓未能現場出席參與的民眾了解相關活動情況。
Having curated more than ten art activities related to the West Kowloon Cultural District ever since its establishment in 2007, C&G Artpartment has also participated in many art events organized by other units at this cultural-site-to-be. In the past decade, the kind of “high art” we have witnessed, heard and experienced in this “West Kowloon” has much influence on Hong Kong’s art development in many ways. On one hand, it has been shaping the aesthetic values of Hongkongers, especially the local government officials, in terms of evaluating artworks according to their market values for investment. On the other hand, the West Kowloon project has assured the preceding importance of hardware development over the software in policy making. The government has not devoted much more effort to help with the arts and cultural ecology in the area of Kowloon West, nor much more for the overall cultural scene in Hong Kong either. On the other hand of the other hand, while the West Kowloon project is the first white elephant developed after the handover, local cultural practitioners have not been able to critically speak up about it. Chest congestion often comes into place, when one starts to talk about this elephant. Treatment of such congestion has been successfully delayed for almost twenty years. Indeed, to delay important treatments and to consume, therefore, to eliminate, the energy of the civil society, has been the favorite tactic of the Hong Kong government for all its white elephant projects. While the development of the “Palace Museum” is condemned by the civil society due to the absence of any public consultation, the government officials are very proud of themselves being a good secret-keeper with sealed throats. The joint immigration checkpoint arrangement at West Kowloon Station is another example to demonstrate how the throat is being forcefully sealed in order to treat the congestion symptom.
Millions of problems have appeared ever since….
Last year, C&G proposed a series of “Decongestant” art actions in response to the “West-Kowloonization.” “Decongestants for West-Kowloonization” is a long-term art project, driven by artistic practices. It will take place on the second Friday evening, in every other month, (or adjusted due to special occasions) at public or semi-public space within Kowloon West. These micro guerilla art activities will attempt to safeguard Hong Kong’s local civilization, to promote local cultural characteristics and to develop the one (green) belt and one (pedestrians’) road for the locals. Participating artists are encouraged to make art in public area, while the public is welcome to appreciate art outside the designed zone of West-Kowloonization. Besides, interactive participation, collaboration and discussion are all encouraged. There will be a particular theme for each “Decongestant.” The series of art activities each time will showcase the subtle but powerful energy in art making and will directly exhibit the artistic ideas to the visitors, in order to open up the scoop under West-Kowloonization.
Artists usually are quite used to be asked: “why are you thinking so much?” However, they may not be comfortable to hear, “Why don’t you think?” Perhaps, I think therefore I am. Contemporary artists in Hong Kong nowadays probably know very well they are amongst this group of “thinking beings.” When it is still legal to “think,” we should take this opportunity to joyfully share more our thoughts with everyone in this city.
Last year, the second “Decongestant” action took place on the date of Chinese Ghost Festival on July Forteen of the Lunar calendar, under the title of “On Fire.” With various positive feedbacks, C&G will host “On Fire” again this year at the night of July Thirteen of the Lunar calendar until July Fourteen’s beginning on Sunday: September 3, 2017. Artists are invited to express their views on various ridiculous current issues in town, through burning off their artworks mainly made out of paper and bamboo sticks.
The burning ritual involves:
“trading” to invite “spirits” to help impossible missions on earth;
“fire” to turn everything into ashes; “anger release” after filing one’s complaints to the spirits;
“the act of giving” for the respectful ancestors; “sincere prayers” to make wishes come true;
“festival spirit” that only seeks to follow the traditional custom;
“curisng,” “performing,” “help seeking,” and many many other aspects … that cannot be all written down.
Audience is welcome to visit, to observe, to make his/her own works in response, to share, to discuss etc. We will have photography and video documentation during the happening event, for a documentation exhibition afterward, in order to allow more audience members to have a better overview of all the art activities.
Documentation exhibition will take place from 15th September to 22th October 2017. All the activities will be free of charge for public. For enquiries, please contact 23909332.