二零一八年 四月份 床下底系列 應邀藝術工作者 Invited Art Practitioner for Apr 2018 “Under The Bed” sharing:
黃國才 | Kacey WONG
地點:香港 九龍 太子 西洋菜南街222號三字樓 C & G藝術單位
Venue: 3/F, 222 Sai Yeung Choi Street S., Prince Edward, KLN, Hong Kong
Date & Time: 20/4/2018, 7-9pm
座位有限,先到先座 | Limited seats. On first-come-first-serve basis.
facebook event page for 2018 Apr's Under-The-Bed: https://www.facebook.com/events/772517152936870/
今次,黃國才會為大家分享甚麼《床下底》堅料?拭目以待!預計今次《床下底》分享會將人數眾多,請準時蒞臨C & G攞位。
Since the first screening in December 2013, there have been more than 30 artists participating in “Under-The-Bed" events at C&G Artpartment in the past. The screening and sharing session aims to invite artists to show their video works that have never or seldom been publicly screened (for whatever reasons), and to share the work’s concept, content, making-of, difficulties during production and reasons for keeping it under-the-bed. The videos from under-the-bed, often can intrigue many questions about the cultural and art ecology in the old days.
We are very happy to have Kacey Wong as our special guest in April 2018. Kacey is a super active Hong Kong artist who works with sculpture, installation and mixed media. A lot of his works interact with audience and proactively respond to social and politial issues. So, what has he hidden under his bed for all these years? What kinds of treasurable memoreis will he share with us this time?
Seats are limited. First come first served!
如有任何查詢,歡迎致電C&G:23909332, 或電郵至info@CandG-Artpartment.com
For enquiry, welcome to contact C&G at 23909332/ info@CandG-Artpartment.com
「床下底」系列之分享會活動已舉辦了十多次,2015年1月我們邀請了藝術家李慧嫻,為大家分享她在十多年前參加了一個同名為「床下底」的藝術展覽。當年的「床下底」展覽之策展人Sharon Smith, 對「床下底」的詮釋,與C&G的看法大概相同。她鼓勵當時參展的藝術家展出一些因各種原因沒有公開展示的作品。有趣的是,Sharon Smith本人也是藝術家,亦有參與展出,與身份「雜崩lung」的C&G同樣,都是以藝術創作人的角度開始策展的方向。2015年2月份我們邀請了本地視覺藝術界「小生」羅文樂作主講嘉賓,請他以點題式分享其過往的海外交流及進修經驗,並延伸到他最近在巴西作駐埸藝術家的經驗。在過去的海外交流之中,他都不忘從多角度,把香港的狀況與不同地方的藝術生態作比較和分析,提出我們極需要盡快提升對文明的想像,希望香港可從文化的根本作出徹底的改革。三月份的床下底則邀請了Ivanov + Chan訴說其藝術遊牧的故事,他們在蘇格蘭的一個小島上舉辦Papay Gyro Nights Festival (巴比齋魯之夜 北歐藝術節(巨大娘節)) , 嘗試重新解讀和再次呈現這神秘小島的故事,並把當中的節目帶到香港,與觀眾分享如何把文化傳統在當代中伸延。
四月分享會中,杜煥講述年青時的藝術創作、 油街的陰森氣氛和藝術公社的前傳。他於九十年代初跟友人,在西環夾租了一個工廠單位作為工作室。「床下底分享會」播出他們在這單位的一個即興藝術夜之紀錄片段,當中, 各人以身體、聲音、裝置、光效等元素在那仍然多塵、髒亂的空間,不斷互動,營造出一個十分真實的超現實場域。年青觀眾的回應是,「哇,那時,已經有些如此前衛的東西!好正啊!」另外,被問及當年有沒有想關於藝術市場的事宜,杜煥簡單地答:「無。」,也解釋「當年個市真係好好」,根本不用擔心生計, 於是工餘便是做自己喜歡的東西:藝術創作。 近年,杜煥自學吹糖,以最天然的糖,吹出千變萬化的動物,並自製了一套十分精緻的熱糖器,有空時,便在長州街頭吹糖:「小孩子經過,想要糖時,我就請他即時表演,以交換我的動物糖果。」
六月,三木(陳式森),為觀眾分享他在八、九十年代在香港、廣州、日本等地的創作和經歷。如有興趣重溫當中的眾多故事,可瀏覽《三木 之 床下底分享會 的 口述記錄概要》
而7月,則有另一位有不少行為藝術創作的藝術家:梁寶山,也分享她的床下底珍藏,主題為:《有恩報恩──梁寶山的missed opportunities》。以下乃藝術家的話:
「選在七月來為自己的人生來個中期報告。我從已捐贈給亞洲藝術文獻庫的幾個箱子,與仍存在床下底的雜物中,翻出了幾個人生的遺撼。有時回想,要是當時能聰明而不衝動,或許事情便會有更好的轉機。這些已經時過景遷的往事,趁着未至無跡可尋,就當是為香港藝術留一點註腳吧。分享會將翻出與以下人、事相關的物品,與大家分享:廿豆‧盒子畫、artist regional exchange 5 、信報文化版、Para/Site、伙炭2004 …...等等。」
如欲重溫梁寶山的分享,可瀏覽《梁寶山之 床下底分享會 的 口述記錄概要》
在9月和10月,C&G 把過去一些床下底分享會的影片帶到去
About some previous sharing sessions:
C&G has hosted more than ten sessions of “Under The Bed” events in the past year, involving more than thirty local artists. We invited Ms. Rosanna Li in Jan 2015 to share with us an exhibition with the same title, “Under The Bed,” that took place a decade ago. The interpretation of the title ‘under the bed’ by curator, Sharon Smith, is similar with that by C&G. Smith encouraged participating artists to exhibit artworks that seldom or never shown in public, for whatever reasons. It was interesting to learn that Sharon Smith was also one of the participating artists. Similar to C&G, she had hybrid identities (being both artist and curator), and was interested in beginning her curatorial path from the perspective of an artist. In February 2015, we invited LAW Man Lok as our guest speaker to share about his experiences from different overseas studies and exchanges. He began with his first art trip from the past and slowly walked us through his journey until his recent trip to Brazil. Through comparison and analysis, he attempted to find out some important reference points for the Hong Kong art circle to study, and emphasized that the imagination of civilization must be opened up, in order to have revolutionary changes amongst ourselves in a long run.
For March 2015, C&G Artpartment invited 'Ivanov + Chan' to share their nomadic stories in the arts. Ivanov + Chan is an artist couple with a nomadic life. Chan, Tszman Chan, grew up in Hong Kong and went to London to study art ten years ago. Once, she pursued her art career around London, with Ivanov who is originally from Scotland. Later on, they decided to move further and further, and finally settled down at Papa Westray which is a small island with population less than a hundred. At Papa, they started to explore the long forgotten stories and traditions of the island, and curate Papay Gyro Nights Festival to help the contemporaries to re-discover the culture “under-the-bed.”
The sharing session in April was about To Wun’s art-making twenty years ago, about horrifying atmosphere of Oil Street and the birth of Artist Commune (a local artist-run-space that was shut down in 2012). To Wun and friends rent a factory unit in Sai Wan as their shared studio in the 1990s. One of the videos shown at the sharing session was the documentation of a happening art night at this studio, with different artists improvising with each other, using sound, lights, body movements and ready-made objects. It was especially inspiring for young audience to learn about how different alternative art forms took place in this city back then. Being asked if he had any consideration about the art market, To Wun’s reply was simple, “No.” He explained that the economy was generally very good in the 90s. Making a living in this city was not difficult at all. After work, he could just spend his spare money and time to do what he liked: making art. Recently, To Wun self-learnt candy-blowing techniques and custom-made a candy heating set. Nowadays, from time to time, on Cheung Chau’s street, one can see To Wun inviting children to perform, in order to exchange an animal candy by him.
In To Wun’s sharing, audience could see how an artist follow the Taoist ‘Way’ throughout his path, and how art engages life.
Afterward, “Under the Bed” Sharing had a break in May, for “International Sick Leave Day.”
In June, 2015, Sanmu Chan, a very experienced artist in the field of performance art, shared with us his previous works and experiences in the 1980s and 90s in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Japan etc. For those who are interested in reading his stories, welcome to check out "The summary of Sanmu's sharing" (in Chinese only for the moment).
For July, 2015, another artist, LEUNG Po-shan, Anthony who also has had many performance art pieces, shared her "under-the-bed" stories with us, with the theme being "Missed Opportunities of LEUNG Po-shan":
"I've chosen July to be the month for my mid-term report in life. A few regrets were digged out, amongst the boxes I donated to AAA and the mess under the bed. Sometimes, I wonder: what if I were smarter or had held back a bit back then? Would things be better? It'd be nice to preserve these old stories as a footnote for the arts in Hong Kong, before they disappear completely. Some old objects related to the following people and events will be shared in the up-coming session: 20 beans, artist regional exchange 5, culture news in Hong Kong Economic Journal, Para/site, Fotanian 2004 ... etc. "
For those who are interested in reviewing Leung Po Shan's stories again, welcome to check out "The summary of Sanmu's sharing" (in Chinese only for the moment).
In September and October, C&G brought some videos from previous 'Under The Bed' sharing sessions to
‧ 分享會於每個月的第二個星期五,晚上七時三十分開始至九時舉行。[*2015年3月有特別節目調動:3月7日(六), 7:30pm]
地點為:香港九龍 太子西洋菜南街222號三字樓 (始創中心後) C & G藝術單位
‧ 分享會主要以粵語進行,輔以普通話 及 英語
‧ 如遇有某月的第二個星期五是公眾假期,放映會活動將順延至第三個星期五
‧ 如遇八號或以上風球 / 紅色或黑色暴雨警告訊號生效,放映會活動將被取消,並將順延至第三個星期五
‧ 每位參與者需付象徵式入場費港幣伍元正,不設找續
‧ 由於我們C & G藝術單位事前並不會審查有關短片 / 錄像 / 幻燈照,作品內容可能涉及不同成人話題,所以,如欲參與放映會的未滿十八歲之朋友,請由成年家長陪同參與
‧ C & G藝術單位將提供免費簡單茶點招待
‧ 座位有限,參與者請先致電23909332/電郵info@candg-artpartment.com 留位,額滿即止
‧ 放映會活動如有任何臨時更改,恕不另行通知,敬請原諒
Details of the sharing session:
‧ it takes place at C & G Artpartment, 3/F, 222 Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Prince Edward, Kowloon, Hong Kong(Behind Pioneer Centre), on the second Friday every month at night from 7:30pm to 9pm.[*special arrangement for March 2015: 7 Mar, 2015(Sat), 7:30pm]
‧ it will manily be conducted in Cantonese, supplemented by some Mandarin and English.
‧ when the second Friday of the month is a public holiday, the screening activity will be postponed to the third Friday of that month.
‧ when typhoon signal no. 8 or above/ red or black rainstorm warning is in force, the sharing activity will be cancelled, and the screening activity will be postponed to the third Friday of that month.
‧ a symbolic amount of entrance fee will be charged: $5 per head with no changes provided.
‧ there will be no censoring system of the videos/films/stills. Artworks with contents not suitable for children will not be excluded. Therefore, parental guidance is suggested for audience under 18 years old.
‧ C&G Artpartment will provide free snack and drinks.
‧ Seats are limited. RSVP: 23909332/info@candg-artpartment.com.
‧ The detail of the screening activity is subject to change without further notice.
The seris in 2014 was supported by: ![]() |
2014 July's session was in collaboration with: ![]() |
床下底放映回顧文章 | Review of previous screenings: