C&G Artpartment will have two exciting artist sharing session in April 2016. Besides our regular "Under The Bed" session with Otto Li on April 15, 2016, C&G Artpartment is very excited to be able to have Rokko Juhasz to share with us his "under-the-bed" stories about art and political actions in Slovakia and Hungary ------- starting from the anti-Soviet-Communist movement in the 1980s.....
這個四月,除了有 李天倫幫我們一起舉辦恆常的床下底藝術分享會,C&G很高興能邀請到來自斯洛伐克和匈牙利的藝術家Rokko Juhasz,分享遠在東歐的藝術床下底,從80年代的反共開始講起...
1: ARTIVISM ---Based on personal experience and practice | 藝術行動主義 ---- 基於個人經歷與實踐
Guest Speaker: Rokko Juhasz
Date and Time: 14/4 --- 7:30pm - 9pm
Content: Rokko will talk about art actions happened in Slovakia and Hungary from 1980s till now, where he grew up and started to do performance art since 1986. He participated in Velvet Revolution as a member of headquarter, and has been working as both artist and activist since then. He was one of curators and organizer of international project called Private Nationalism 2014-2016.
講座內容: Rokko 將帶來一場藝術行動的講座,討論關於1980年代至今在斯洛伐克、匈牙利發生的藝術行動。他在那裡長大,並於1986年開始創作行為藝術。他曾參與絲絨革命,並從此作為創作者並行動者。2014-2016年間,他是國際項目「私人國家主義」的策展人和組織者之一。
Facebook 專頁: https://www.facebook.com/events/522866871230358/
2: Under The Bed Sharing with Otto LI Tin Lun | 李天倫的床下底分享會
Intro: Beginning in Decebmer, 2013, C&G Artpartment host a screening on the second Friday of every month at night from 7pm to 8:30pm, to regularly showcase videos/films underneath local artists’ beds. There will be a sharing and discussion session (at least 30 minutes) after the screening for further brainstorming and idea exchanges. The video showcased will be selected solely by the aritsts and there will not have other particular themes for the screenings.
We are very happy to have **Otto Li Tin Lun** to be our guest "under the bed" in April of 2016!
C&G藝術單位將於2013年12月開始,大概在每個月的第二個星期五晚上七時開始至八時三十分,盡量定期舉辦本地藝術家短片 / 錄像作品放映會。放映會播放應邀藝術家未曾公開發表的個人短片 / 錄像創作作品,及 / 或其私人珍藏短片 /錄像作品,每次放映會將設不少於半小時的分享及討論環節,促進討論、增進相互感情,增加了解。 放映主題完全由應邀藝術家選取,沒有特定主題。 我們最初主要邀請視覺藝術家參與,而來年更嘗試邀請不同創作範疇藝術家參與。
More about "Under The Bed" sharings: please visit "here" .
Facebook 專頁: "https://www.facebook.com/events/1158846817479926/"