2021年開始,C & G藝術單位將推出「場地伙伴計劃」,計劃主要為需要小型展覽、放映、講座、分享會、小組工作坊、拍攝、交流等文化藝術相關活動人士 / 組織而設。
C & G藝術單位位於太子,乃交通樞紐,四通八達。本單位室內間隔大致分2部分:「展覽空間 」和 「工作室空間」,分別各為180平方尺,設備齊全。 租用者可按不同需要而使用不同空間。計劃具彈性,使用空間可以小時、日、星期、月作計算,歡迎查詢。
計劃於C & G藝術單位開放時間內提供場地伙伴服務,主要開放時間:
逢星期四、五、六、日、一,上午10:00 - 12:00、下午14:00 - 19:00 (公眾假期 及 星期二、三休息)
‘Venue Partner Scheme’ is launched in 2021 by C&G Artpartment, in order to provide our space for other groups or individuals to organize small-scaled exhibitions, screenings, talks, workshops, photo-shooting sessions and any other cultural events.
C&G Artpartment is located at Prince Edward, nearby major bus and subway stations. It mainly has two sections: ‘exhibition space’ and ‘studio space,’ each being 180 sq feet. One is welcome to flexibly hire the space by hours/days/weeks/months, according to his/her own need.
Opening hours for the ‘Venue Partner Scheme’:
Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, 10:00 - 12:00 & 14:00-19:00 (Close on Public Holidays and Tue, Wed)
Fee: (including administrative cost, venue management, basic equipment etc)
小時 hourly fee |
星期 weekly fee |
月 monthly fee |
10:00 - 12:00 (2小時 hours) HKD$300 |
上述主要開放時間 每星期(5日) One week (5 days) for the daily hours mentioned above HKD$2,000 |
上述主要開放時間 每個月(約4星期、20日) One month (4 weeks/ 20 days) for the daily hours mentioned above
HKD$6,000 |
14:00 - 19:00 (5小時 hours) HKD$500 |
14:00 - 19:00期間每2小時 (any 2 hours within) HKD$300 |
19:00 - 24:00 期間每2小時 (any 2 hours within) HKD$500 |
19:00 - 24:00 期間每4小時 (any 4 hours within) HKD$1,000 |
以上時間可選配展覽空間 / 工作室空間。如需於非主要開放時間使用,需另作報價。
Both the exhibition space and studio space are available for booking in the hours listed above. For other hours, please seek quotations separately.
查詢Enquiry: info@CandG-Artpartment.com, 852-23909332