A Detour of Life in Portland, America 青年藝術家出走個案: Artist talk 藝術家分享會





日期: 2009年2月21日


地點: C & G藝術單位(香港九龍太子西洋菜街南222號三字樓)(始創中心後面)

 Reverse Reality (逆向‧現實)是由策展人何翠芬與四名香港青年視覺藝術家彭倩幗、黃慧妍、劉學成、馬浩賢一起合作,在08年九月首次出走美國另類文化活躍地波特蘭(Portland) 作藝術交流之旅。他們各自以不同媒介演繹,表達個人與不同時空、文化相遇時的經驗和回應。這四名青年藝術家將分享是次出走波特蘭的經驗和心得,兩位曾獲亞洲文化協會獎助赴美進行藝術交流的資深藝術家林嵐、梁志和,屆時會出席作回應嘉賓。

Artist talk-A Detour of Life in Portland, America

 Speakers: Doris Wong, Hanison Lau, Beatrix Pang, Florian Ma
Guest respondents: Jaffa Lam, Warren Leung Chi Wo

Moderator: Selina Ho
Date: 21st Feb 2009 (Sat) 3:30─4:50

Venue: C & G Artpartment ( 3/F, 222 Sai Yeung Choi Street S., Prince Edward, Kowloon, Hong Kong)

'Reverse Reality' is an exhibition curated by Selina Ho for four leading HK young artists to showcase their new works conceived by their experiences in Portland, US. During their one-month residency in Portland in Sept 2008, the artists have used a variety of on-site materials and medium to address how they work across cultural borders and negotiate spaces and ideas from a distance. In this artist talk, the four artists will share their experience and reflection from the residency in Portland. Jaffa Lam and Warren Leung Chi Wo, who had received Asia Cultural Council Fellowship for art exchange in US, will come to share their comment and give feedback to this group of young artists. 

For you to better understand our project before coming to the talk. Please go to:
