[en]counters 2014: Is There Love in This Air? 《愛在空氣慢遊》: Mumbai - HK exchange project about art in public 孟買香港公眾藝術交流計劃 2014

愛在空氣慢遊 (孟買香港公眾藝術交流計劃 2014)

[en]counters 2014: Is There Love in This Air?

(Mumbai - HK exchange project about art in public)

新聞稿 Press Release 15.4.2014

2014年2月,香港藝術工作者一行7人前往印度孟買參與公眾藝術節 “[en]counters 2014:「愛在空氣慢遊」, 在當地的公共空間及社區進行不同形式的創作,如隱形塗鴉、與小孩繪畫、音樂盒裝置、錄像放映等,把高度發展中的城市的人和物互相的關係重新連繫。 這藝術節今年嘗試加強交流的元素。印度策展人 Leandre D'Souza 把三位印度藝術家的作品帶到香港,並邀請也有參與2月展出的新加坡藝術家到港,與本地藝術家一起再次在「空氣慢遊」。

A group of Hong Kong artists went to Mumbai, India in February 2014 to participate in a public art festival titled [en]counters 2014: is there love in this air?. The festival provides a platform where Indian and international artists establish a dialogue with a highly complex and layered city. As a way to widen the geographical scope of the project, ArtOxygen will bring 3 Indian artists works to Hong Kong and will invite Singapore artist Jason Lee (who participated in phase I) to launch the 2nd phase of this year's [en]counters with the participating artists from Hong Kong.

參與藝術家/Participating Artists:

(香港/Hong Kong)黎朗生Sunday LAI、 羅至傑 Lock, LO Chi Kit 、羅玉梅 LAW Yuk Mui、梁美萍 LEUNG Mee Ping、林健雄 Joel LAM, 謝振聲 TSE Chun Sing, 蘇瑋琳 SO Wai Lam

(新加坡/Singapore) 李嘉昇 Jason LEE

(印度孟買/ Mumbai, India) Hema UPADHYAY, Reena Saini KALLAT, Pradeep L. MISHRA, Vibha Galhotra

co-curated: ArtOxygen, C&G Artpartment

co-organizer: soundpocket

supporting unit: Art Together

supported by: Hong Kong Arts Development Council

and Singapore International Foundation


「愛在空氣慢遊」藝術展演 “Is There Love In This Air?” Art Exhibit and Happenings

地點/Site: 牛棚藝術村 之 戶外空間及附近地帶 (香港九龍土瓜灣馬頭角道63號 )

Cattle Depot Artist Village’s open area and nearby area (No. 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong)

日期&時間/Date & Time: 3/5/2014(Sat) 2-6pm | 4/5/2014(Sun) 2-8pm

參與藝術家/Participating Artists:

(香港/Hong Kong)黎朗生Sunday LAI、 羅至傑 Lock, LO Chi Kit 、梁美萍 LEUNG Mee Ping、 謝振聲 TSE Chun Sing、羅玉梅 LAW Yuk Mui

(新加坡/Singapore) 李嘉昇 Jason LEE

(印度孟買/ Mumbai, India) Hema UPADHYAY, Reena Saini KALLAT, Pradeep L. MISHRA, Vibha Galhotra

(以上藝術家也會在5月3日前各自在香港的不同地區,進行不同的遊撃創作,而相關的記錄將會在文獻展中呈現/ Some of the artists will also have guerilla art-making activities in different areas in Hong Kong. The documentation of their works will be shown in the exhibition in the end. )

「愛在空氣慢遊」藝術放映會 及 藝術家分享會 “Is there Love in this air?” Screening and Artist Sharing session

放映會作品Screenings by:林健雄 Joel LAM, Reena Saini KALLAT


(香港/HK)黎朗生Sunday LAI、 羅至傑Lock, LO Chi Kit 、 謝振聲TSE Chun Sing、蘇瑋琳 SO Wai Lam、羅玉梅 LAW Yuk Mui

(新加坡/Singapore) 李嘉昇Jason LEE

(印度孟買/Mumbai, India) Claudio Maffioletti -- [en]counters 之聯合創辦人 及 策展人/ co-founder & curator of [en]counters

主持/Moderator: 張嘉莉 Clara CHEUNG(是次聯合策展人/ co-curator of [en]counters 2014)

地點:聲音掏腰包,香港九龍土瓜灣落山道108號志昌工業大廈10樓C (海心公園側)

Venue: soundpocket, Unit 10C, Gee Chang Industrial Building, 108 Lok Shan Road, Tokwawan, Kowloon, Hong Kong (next to Hoi Sham Park)

日期&時間Date & Time: 3/5/2014(Sat) 6-8 pm

語言Language : 英語為主,輔以廣東話 / mainly English & Cantonese

「愛在空氣慢遊」文獻展開幕 暨 策展人對談 Documentation Exhibition Opening & Curators’ Talk



To compare and contrast different dimensions in “public/community art” in Mumbai & Hong Kong, in terms of the usage of public space, art policy etc.

地點:C&G藝術單位 (香港九龍太子西洋菜南街222號3/F)

Venue: C&G Artpartment (3/F, 222 Sai Yeung Choi St South, Prince Edward, KLN, HK)

日期&時間/Date & Time: 10/5/2014(Sat) 6-8 pm


Claudio Maffioletti -- [en]counters 之聯合創辦人 及 策展人/ co-founder & curator of [en]counters

張嘉莉 Clara CHEUNG --- 是次聯合策展人/ co-curator of [en]counters 2014

語言Language : 英語為主,輔以廣東話 / mainly English & Cantonese

「愛在空氣慢遊」文獻展 Documentation Exhibition

參與藝術家/Participating Artists:

(香港/Hong Kong)黎朗生Sunday LAI、林健雄 Joel LAM、羅至傑 Lock, LO Chi Kit 、梁美萍 LEUNG Mee Ping、 謝振聲 TSE Chun Sing 、蘇瑋琳 SO Wai Lam、羅玉梅 LAW Yuk Mui

(新加坡/Singapore) 李嘉昇 Jason LEE

(印度孟買/ Mumbai, India) Hema UPADHYAY, Reena Saini KALLAT, Pradeep L. MISHRA

地點:C&G藝術單位 (香港九龍太子西洋菜南街222號3/F)

Venue: C&G Artpartment (3/F, 222 Sai Yeung Choi St South, Prince Edward, KLN, HK)

日期/Date: 10/5/2014(Sat)- 9/6/2014 (Mon)

時間/ Time: 2-7:30 pm

[星期二、三休息Closed on Tue & Wed]


T: 852-23909332

E: info@CandG-Artpartment.com


計劃背景/Background of the project

2014年2月,香港藝術工作者一行7人前往印度孟買參與公眾藝術節 「[en]counters 2014: 愛在空氣慢遊」。此藝術節由印度策展單位Art Oxygen於2010年開始舉辦,最近兩年還邀請外地藝術家參與,與印度藝術家和觀眾互動交流。今屆的[en]counters有來自香港、新加坡及印度的藝術家在公共空間及社區進行不同形式的創作, 把高度發展中的城市之人與物互相的關係重新連繫 。另外,為了加強交流的元素,Art Oxygen將把三位印度藝術家的作品帶到香港,並邀請二月也有參展的新加坡藝術家到港,與本地藝術家一起再次在「空氣慢遊」。

來自全球最潔淨的新加坡的藝術家李嘉昇(Jason LEE)在網誌中寫到其感想:「這是一個「亂中帶美」的城市。」而對於香港藝術團隊,最深刻的體會可算是這城市中的慢速與極速: 社區生活中的慢速與隨機,與馬路上三輪機車之極速和精準飄移,形成強烈對比,為藝術家帶來無窮的創作靈感。再者,其實香港與孟買有著不少相同之處:曾是英國殖民地、同樣面對嚴重的空氣污染、正經歷當代藝術市場的急速冒起等等。這種種都造就了這次藝術節中不少有趣的作品。

當中包括林健雄的錄像作品,從藍天出發,探索在同一天空下的不同面向。梁美萍把一個有關一對印度母子的淒美動人故事,轉化成音樂,在海邊讓觀眾成雙成對地把音樂盒攪動,讓音樂在空中與海浪聲合奏 。羅至傑訪問了香港的印度人,並把這些印度人移民之前的家鄉故事由香港帶回印度,以隱形塗鴉的方式在孟買的公共空間展示。黎朗生在海濱長廊搭建一個大小如床位寓所般的半私人空間,邀請途人進入坐下,欣賞她拍製關於孟買的短片。來自「聲音掏腰包」的蘇瑋琳為孟買的公眾,帶來了在香港公共空間錄取的聲音:如渡海小輪的聲音、旺角行人專用區的「正宗印度咖喱」推銷員聲音等。謝振聲則到當地的魚民村落發起繪畫行動,再在村中巷內掛起繪畫旗海作展覽,及嘗試與不同的朋友一起放風箏。沒有親身到孟買的羅玉梅在日本邀請了一位在東京的印度朋友唱了一首Bollywood情歌,由羅玉梅配上影像,再在孟買公共空間放映。

新加坡藝術家李嘉昇在海濱長廊地上設置一幅約8米長的白布,邀請途人在布寫上及繪出對這城市的感覺。而其實在這海邊也正是附近許多旅館晾曬其白色被單的場所,這些鋪在地上的白色被單與那滿佈塗鴉的白布藝術作品,在互相輝映下,更顯趣味。印度藝術家方面,有Pradeep L. MISHRA在海邊使用巨型印度香作裝置、Reena Saini KALLAT以鹽在沙灘為一位友人寫信給已去世的兒子、Hema UPADHYAY在微小的米粒上書寫了對這城市之感覺,邀請途人以放大鏡審視、重組。

以上的藝術家都將會以各種方式在香港延伸之前在孟買的創作,於旺角、土瓜灣、 沙灘等進行游擊式的創作、於牛棚藝術村的戶外空間進行兩天(5 月3 及4日)的裝置行為展演、於5 月3日在「聲音掏腰包」作放映和分享會,以及在5月10日開始在C&G藝術單位以文獻的形式呈現。文獻展覽中除了作品的紀錄,還會把各藝術家在孟買搜集到的有趣東西重組展出,作為是次文獻 展中的「甜品」。

A group of Hong Kong artists went to Mumbai, India in February 2014 to participate in a public art festival titled [en]counters 2014: is there love in this air?. Organized by ArtOxygen, the festival provides a platform where Indian and international artists establish a dialogue within a highly complex and layered city. As a way to widen the geographical scope of the project, ArtOxygen will bring 3 Indian artists’ works to Hong Kong and invite Singapore artist Jason LEE (who participated in phase I) to launch the 2nd phase of this year's [en]counters with the participating artists from Hong Kong.

“Chaotic beauty” is how Jason LEE, who is from the tidiest state in the world, described Mumbai on his blog. For Hong Kong artists, the different paces in this city’s everyday life are the most exciting and inspiring. For example, the relaxing and spontaneous living style in Mumbai forms a huge contrast with the precise drifting skills and speedy efficiency of those three-wheeler taxi drivers on street. In many ways, Hong Kong and Mumbai are quite similar: both being very densely populated, dealing with many aspects of pollutions in the city (like air pollution), having been British colonies, experiencing a booming commercial contemporary art market etc. Through art exchanges, the participating artists and audience from both places will be able to learn from each other about how to creatively tackle similar problems they face in their cities.

Amongst all the works shown in Mumbai was a screening at Juhu Beach and Carter Road of a video work by Joel LAM. It began its narrative with the blue sky and then move on to explore different dimensions under this same sky. LEUNG Mee Ping chose to respond to a touching story of a pair of mother and son from India. Transforming this story into music, LEUNG invited pairs of audience to operate two music boxes together by the seaside in order to let the music merge with the sound from the sea. LO Chi Kit collected many stories from Indians who immigrated to Hong Kong, and then took their old time stories in India back to Mumbai’s public space in the form of transparent graffiti with glue and dust. Sunday LAI constructed a semi-private space, in the size similar to a Hong Kong cage home, on Mumbai’s Carter Road. She invited passersby to enter and watch a video about her feelings toward Mumbai. SO Wai Lam helped soundpocket to take a series of sound clips recorded in Hong Kong to share with Mumbai’s public. Together with a Mumbai young artists, Abinov ???, TSE Chun Sing went into Mumbai’s koli villages to draw with children, to install their drawings in the village and try to fly kites together. Another Hong Kong artist, LAW Yuk Mui, who did not physically visit Mumbai, invited an Indian friend in Tokyo to sing a Bollywood love song to send back to Mumbai.

As an echo to the numerous white motel bed-sheets lying on the seaside for drying, the art intervention by Singapore artist Jason LEE involved an 8-meter long white cloth. Passers-by were invited to have dialogues with the artist and to graffiti their feelings toward Mumbai on this big canvas. Artworks by Indian artists, who will also participate in the second phrase in Hong Kong, included Pradeep L. MISHRA’s installation of long Indian incent sticks at Juhu Beach, ReenaSaini KALLAT’s salt letters of a mother to her son who passed away at the beach also and Hema UPADHYAY’s philosophical writings on rice that required viewers to examine carefully.

The above artists will develop and extend their Mumbai art projects in Hong Kong at the second phrase. Some of them will have guerilla actions in public spaces at Mongkok, Tau Kwa Wan and beaches in Hong Kong, while some artists will have installations and happenings together at the outdoor area in and around Cattle Depot Artist Village in the afternoons of May 3 & 4, 2014. There will also be screening and artist sharing session at soundpocket on May 3, 2014 at 6pm, and curators’ talk at C&G Artpartment on May 10, 2014 at 6pm. In the end, a documentation exhibition will take place at C&G Artpartment. Besides the formal documentation of the artist projects, a group of Hong Kong artists will also contribute interesting objects and materials they collected in Mumbai for display as the “dessert” of the exhibit.

"Dusted" by LO Chi Kit
"Within Behind Without" by Joel LAM
"Kanhaiya & Kumari" by LEUNG Mee Ping
"Pop up Space" by Sunday LAI
"100 homing swallows" by TSE Chun Sing
"soundscoop" by soundpocket's SO Wai Lam
"untitled" by Reena Saini Kallat
"Love in Air" by Pradeep L. Mishra
"Air Interception" by Jason LEE