The Ten Practices 《行為十習》: Documentation of Performance Art Internships and Graduation Ceremony 行為藝術總結紀錄 及畢業典禮

《行為十習》行為藝術總結紀錄 及畢業典禮

“The Ten Practices” Documentation of Performance Art Internships and Graduation Ceremony


協辦: C & G藝術單位



Curated and Presented by: PROJECT 226

Co-presented by: C&G Artpartment

Venue: Hong Kong Arts Center

Supported by: Hong Kong Arts Development Council

「行為藝術實習生」(Performance Art Internship)是由「二二六工程」藝術小組策劃的一項由2005年至2010年期間探究「行為藝術」的工程計劃。箇中探究原因是我們有見行為藝術這藝術形式正在日益普及、廣泛,意即外地及本地之藝術圈中,均越來越多藝術工作者使用這媒介創作。可是與此同時,本港對這藝術形式的紀錄及文獻可謂是絕無僅有,間中或會有個別的報章報導,或藝術文章提及個別的行為藝術活動,可是,若要翻查有系統的紀錄、追溯這形式在本地發展的脈絡,就是相當困難。

「行為藝術實習生」每次實習都由學校生涯中的必經之路作出發點,以「行為藝術實習生」介入現實生活,貫徹實習生「學習」為本的關鍵,把行為藝術的抽象概念,實在及具體地展示。十次實習由淺入深,逐步深化,大部分展出作品具強烈社會、政治性元素,回應時事。是次展覽可被看成為「行為藝術實習生」的總結記錄 及 畢業典禮。


實習1. 從模仿中學習:跟風 (2005)

實習2. 從筆記中學習:手眼協調 (2005)

實習3. 從實驗中學習:坦克軌跡 (2005)

實習4. 從遊戲中學習:放飛機 (2006)

實習5. 從懲罰中學習:幻彩罰香江(一) (2007)

實習6. 從兼職中學習:伙炭動物園 (2009)

實習7. 從迷信中學習:仙人指路 (2009)

實習8. 從病假中學習:國際請病假日 (2009)

實習9. 從考試中學習:X計劃 (2009)

實習10. 從社會中學習:幻彩罰香江(二) (2010)



About the Exhibition:

“Performance Art Internship” is a project by the art group, “Project 226,”to conduct a close examination of “performance art” between 2005 and 2010. One of the reasons for the study lays in the widespread acceptance and development of this art medium in the recent days: more and more artists involving in performance art in the local and international art scene. However, there is a lack of documentation and archive for this medium in Hong Kong. Although, from time to time, there may appear one or two articles on newspapers or journals about performance art activities, to have a thorough study of the development of performance art in a more systematic manner in Hong Kong is still quite difficult.

Each internship practice in “Performance Art Internship” involves one essential element from our school life. By juxtaposing “learning” at school with the real life together, the “Performance Art Interns” reveal the abstract concept of performance art throughout the process of “learning” in their performance art pieces. “The Ten Practices” were started out with a more elementary level at the beginning. The interns then worked toward the senior level step by step. Most of the artworks respond to various social and political issues at that time. The current exhibition is the documentation of all the “internship” pieces and the graduation ceremony for the interns.

“Performance Art Interns” have conducted ten practices during their internship period:

Internship 1: Learning Through Imitating: Copycat (2005)

Internship 2: Learning Through Notetaking: Eye-hand Coordination (2005)

Internship 3: Learning Through Experiments: Tracks of the Tank (2005)

Internship 4: Learning Through Games: Paper Air-plane (2006)

Internship 5: Learning Through Punishment: Penalty of Colors I (2007)

Internship 6: Learning Through Part-time Jobs: Fo Tan Zoo (2009)

Internship 7: Learning Through Superstitious Practices: Follow the Voice (2009)

Internship 8: Learning Through Taking Sick-Leaves: International Sick Leave Day (2009)

Internship 9: Learning Through Examinations: Proposal X (2009)

Internship 10: Learning Through Social Practices: Penalty of Colors II (2010)

“Performance Art Interns” finished one piece during each internship practice. There will be ten sets of documentation works shown in this exhibit. Each will involve a few 16R photographs and videos, along with other props and completed visual artworks installed. With its direct and clear agenda, each internship performance will be able to engage the viewers easily. Every exhibition district will have its own theme and, at the same time, have a close relationship with the other districts. Some of the pieces are interactive and welcome the participation of the audience.

There will also be artist seminar, workshop, free guided tours for the public. Please refer to the followings.