《原始刻劃‧當代雕塑》 立體藝術作品展覽
《原始當代》計劃系列至今已是第三回,第一、二回主題都是單格動畫。是次《原始當代‧三》計劃系列 之《原始刻劃‧當代雕塑》立體藝術作品展覽,將於元朗大棠荔枝園內C & G藝術花園舉行,邀請到6位本地藝術家參與,藝術家們以雕塑、拼砌、接合、組裝等形式,就地取材。創作條件需要手作雕刻、盡量利用附近天然物料,鼓勵利用園附近的木頭、粗樹幹、石等原始物料,創作立體雕塑作品。預計每位藝術家將每人創作一組 / 一系列題材有關《藝術與生活》的雕塑作品,完成作品將主要展示於荔枝園內C & G藝術花園戶外空地,部分作品會同時展示於荔枝園內不同地方,供觀眾參觀。另本活動設藝術教育工作坊 及 藝術家分享會等配套環節,詳情請參看以下內容,或致電23909332查詢。
開幕時間:二零一一年三月二十七日(星期日) 下午4:00
香港藝術發展局 藝術教育組主席蔡芷筠小姐
展覽日期: 二零一一年四月二日(星期六) 至 五月一日(星期日)
展覽時間: 星期六 及 星期日,上午11:00 – 下午5:30
地點:香港 新界 元朗大棠村8號 大棠荔枝園 C & G藝術花園(士多啤利園側)
(交通:可於西鐵朗屏站轉乘搭K66接駁巴士 / 於元朗千色廣場斜對面 紅棉圍乘搭往大棠專線小巴) 另安排免費旅遊巴,於三個星期日,由港鐵朗屏站F出口地面宏業南街,接載參觀者到大棠荔枝園 時間為
a. 3月27日,下午2:00;b. 4月24日,上午11:00 及 c. 5月1日,上午11:00 旅遊巴每程接載55人,名額有限,請預先致電23909332登記
費用:參觀「C & G藝術花園@大棠荔枝園」費用全免,另歡迎各位繼續參觀大棠荔枝園,入場費為每位港幣$20元正
主題: 在地藝術‧立體創作
日期:三月至五月期間, 學校或團體可自由預約時段
時間: 每節為3小時 (需在下午六時前結束)
對象: 小四或以上的中、小學生
導師: C&G 藝術單位 之 藝術導師
II.了解在地藝術(Site-specific art)的特色 (會按學員程度, 提供相關筆記)
III. 以石膏及布料為主要材料, 在大棠荔枝園內進行在地藝術創作
人數: 20-60人 (師生比例不超於1:30)
費用: 每位$38 (包括材料)
分享會時間: 二零一一年四月九日(星期六) 下午6:30 - 8:00 題目:「天時地利人和藝術」
分享會地點: 香港 九龍 太子 西洋菜南街222號三字樓 C & G藝術單位 (始創中心後)
費用: 費用全免,歡迎各界人士參與
背景 2007年尾及2009年初,發展局先後推出全港性歷史建築活化計劃公開徵集,進一步表示政府有意向公眾灌輸保育的訊息。早在此之前的牛棚藝術村、賽馬會創意藝術中心,及最近的中區警署建築群等,已是改變物業用途為藝術空間的例子。這些例子,觸發保留原始歷史與發展當代未來的矛盾問題,也帶出「原始」的魅力如何能與「當代」的概念融合,相得益彰。
「原始」、「當代」的轉化 本計劃透過參與藝術家以「原始」、低技術(lo-tech)的創作形式(包括:繪畫、單格動畫、手動機械),去進行創作,把高科技設施的投入減至最低,踏踏實實,去展現「當代」的社會文化題材。
文化歷史使命 及 象徵的轉化 本計劃共有兩項獨立但具共同理念的展覽活動,每項展覽分別於兩個不同的藝術空間進行(包括:C & G藝術花園@大棠荔枝園 及 土瓜灣牛棚藝術村)。
C & G藝術花園@大棠荔枝園是由一所千多平方尺田園村屋及數千尺草地轉化成的大自然另類藝術空間;牛棚藝術村由主宰生存死亡的屠宰場轉化成本地第一個官方承認的藝術村。兩個各具特色的藝術空間,體現其原始歷史使命隨時代變化,其變化經歷反映當代文化發展,反映藝術生態的生存模式與適應性,也正好讓藝術家反思: 1. 藝術與生活、2. 藝術與生存,這兩個基本問題。透過本計劃,探討基本藝術形態的轉化。先是表現點、線、面的雕塑展覽;後是發展至立體、互動的手動機械藝術展覽。每項展覽都是以原始技術為基本創作條件,以低技術(lo-tech)展現高技巧(hi-skill)。
《原始當代》計劃系列至今已是第三回,第一、二回主題都是單格動畫。是次《原始當代‧三》計劃系列 之《原始刻劃‧當代雕塑》立體藝術作品展覽,將於元朗大棠荔枝園內C & G藝術花園舉行,邀請到6位本地藝術家參與,藝術家們以雕塑、拼砌、接合、組裝等形式,就地取材。創作條件需要手作雕刻、盡量利用附近天然物料,鼓勵利用園附近的木頭、粗樹幹、石等原始物料,創作立體雕塑作品。預計每位藝術家將每人創作一組 / 一系列題材有關《藝術與生活》的雕塑作品,完成作品將主要展示於荔枝園內C & G藝術花園戶外空地,部分作品會同時展示於荔枝園內不同地方,供觀眾參觀。另本活動設藝術教育工作坊 及 藝術家分享會等配套環節,詳情請參看以下內容,或致電23909332查詢。
Primitive Contemporary III series--
This is in fact the third round of the "Primitive Contemporary" exhibition series. The first and two shows in the series focused mainly on stop-motion animation, while the upcoming exhibition, "Primitive Craftsmanship . Contemporary Sculpture," will be about sculptures. It is going to take place in C&G Art Garden at Tai Tong Lychee Valley, Yuen Long, with six local artists using mainly on-site materials for their sculptures, assemblages or installations. The participating artists will work with various primary materials from the Lychee Valley, like woods, tree trucks, stones etc., and exhibit their craftsmanship in a series of three-dimensional artworks under the theme of "art and living." The completed works will mainly be exhibited at the outdoor space near by C&G Art Garden. Some of the works may also be located at different areas inside Lychee Valley. Accompany with this exhibition are art education workshops and artist talk. Please refer to the followings for the details and feel free to call 23909332 for other enquiries.
Curated and Presented by :STRA
Co-presented by:Tai Tong Lychee Valley and C & G Artpartment
Co-organizer: Rolin Education
Supported by: Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Artists:CHAN Kwok Man(Bill), CHEONG Chi Ping(Ban), Chris COOK, HO Yuen Leung,LAU Hok Shing(Hanison), TANG Kwok Hin
Opening: 4:00pm, (Sun) 27 March, 2011
Guest at the Opening:
Ms. TAM Mei Yee(Eve), Curator, Art Promotion Office
Ms. CHOI Tsz Kwan(Ger), Chairman of Arts Education Group, Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Mr. LEUNG Fuk Yuen, Member, Yuen Long District Council
Mr. LEUNG Sun Fat, spokesman of Tai Tong Lychee Valley
Exhibition Period:(Sat) 2 April, 2011 - (Sun)1 May, 2011
Exhibition Time:11:00am - 5:30pm, Saturday and Sunday
Exhibition Venue: C&G Art Garden (next to the strawberry garden), Tai Tong Lychee Valley, 8 Tai Tong Road, Yeun Long, N.T., Hong Kong
Fee: Free to visit C&G Art Garden @ Tai Tong Lychee Valley, $20 entrance fee to the other area of Tai Tong Lychee Valley
Bus K66 from Long Ping MTR Station, or Red Minibus to Tai Tong from Hung Min Court next to City Mall.
***Visitors are welcome to take the free shuttle bus on the following three Sundays at Long Ping MTR Station Exit F Ground Floor (Wang Yip Street South) to see the exhibition: a. 27th March--2pm, b. 24th April --11am and c. 1st May ¡V11am.
Each shuttle bus has 55 seats. Please call 23909332 to reserve.
Theme:Site-Specific Sculpture
Content:Students will
I. visit the site-specific artworks or the working progress of artists in the exhibit
II.recognize the characteristics of site-specific art (handouts about the topic will be designed for students from different levels)
III. develop site-specific artworks in groups at Lychee Valley, using mainly plaster and various fabric pieces
Date:Between March and May (schools are welcome to schedule any dates in between)
Time:Each session lasts 3 hours (before 6pm)
Target:Primary students above P4, and all secondary students
Instructors:Art instructors from C&G Artpartment
Fee:$38 each (including materials)
Capacity:20-60 students at a time (the ratio of teacher:student is no more than 1:30)
Seminar:6:30 - 8:00pm, (Sat) 9 April, 2011
Theme: "The Right Place and Right Time for Art"
Seminar Venue:C & G Artpartment, 3/F, 222 Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Prince Edward,Kowloon, Hong Kong (Behind Pioneer Centre)
Fee: Free of charge
Enquiry:M: 23909332 E:info@CandG-Artpartment.com
At the end of 2007 and the beginning of 2009, the Development Bureau launched the revitalization projects for historic buildings through a partnership scheme. It definitely is the positive attempt of the government to have public education about heritage conservation. Long before then, the property usage of current Cattle Depot Artist Village and Jockey Club Creative Arts Center have been changed for the arts. Another recent example is Central Police Station Compound. The transformation of these architectures triggers concern over the dilemma between the conservation of the original history and the development of the contemporary, and also brings about the question of how to have a harmony of the "primitive" and "contemporary".
The Transformation of Primitive and Contemporary
The current project attempts to reveal the contemporary society and culture through a "primitive" fashion. Eliminating the involvement of high-end technology, participating artists will use various lo-tech art media (like painting, stop-motion animation, low-tech mechanics) to make their artworks, in order to be back to basics.
The Transformation of the missions and symbolic meanings in the cultural history
The current project involves two independent exhibition events with the same concepts. The two exhibitions will take place at two different art spaces: C&G Art Garden @ Tai Tong Lychee Valley, and Cattle Depot Artist Village in To Kwan Wan.
C&G Art Garden is an independent art space transformed from a thousand-square-feet farmhouse and the nearby grassland. On the other hand, Cattle Depot Artist Village is the first officially recognized artist village transformed from a slaughterhouse that once dictated lives and deaths. Both venues have their uniqueness and have experienced the transformation of their functions and missions throughout the ages. The changes do not only reveal the development of the contemporary culture, but also the flexibility and survival tactics of the habitats within the local art ecology. These two unique venues help provide a nice opportunity for the artists to search for a critical response to the two basic issues in our art ecology: 1. art and living, and 2. art and survival. The current project attempts to look into the transformation of the basic art forms. The first exhibit in the series is about dots, lines and shapes in sculptures, while the second one is about interactive mechanics that are manually driven. Applying the primitive technology in the art forms, the two exhibitions will showcase "hi-skill" with "lo-tech."
This is in fact the third round of the "Primitive Contemporary" exhibition series. The first and two shows in the series focused mainly on stop-motion animation, while the upcoming exhibition, "Primitive Craftsmanship . Contemporary Sculpture," will be about sculptures. It is going to take place in C&G Art Garden at Tai Tong Lychee Valley, Yuen Long, with six local artists using mainly on-site materials for their sculptures, assemblages or installations. The participating artists will work with various primary materials from the Lychee Valley, like woods, tree trucks, stones etc., and exhibit their craftsmanship in a series of three-dimensional artworks under the theme of "art and living." The completed works will mainly be exhibited at the outdoor space near by C&G Art Garden. Some of the works may also be located at different areas inside Lychee Valley. Accompany with this exhibition are art education workshops and artist talk. Please refer to the followings for the details and feel free to call 23909332 for other enquiries.