PRIMITIVE CRAFTSMANSHIP . CONTEMPORARY MECHANISM 《原始手動‧當代機械》: Primitive Contemporary IIII series 立體藝術作品展覽

《原始手動當代機械》 立體藝術作品展覽

《原始當代》計劃系列至今已是第三回,第一、二回主題都是單格動畫,第三回主題是雕塑及機械。是次《原始當代‧三》計劃系列 之《原始手動‧當代機械》立體藝術作品展覽,將於土瓜灣牛棚藝術村藝術公社舉行,共邀請到8位本地藝術家參與,藝術家將以機械形式,創作手動機械作品。預計8位藝術家將每人創作一件或一組有關《藝術與生存》的手動機械。鼓勵作品能達到互動,讓觀眾能參與。另本活動設藝術家分享會等配套環節,詳情請參看以下內容,或致電23909332查詢。

主辦:時差 (STRA)



邀請藝術家: 區家耀、張震揚、張嘉莉、程展緯、朱耀煒、羅至傑、黃國才、黃慧妍

開幕時間: 二零一一年十月九日(星期日) 下午4:00

展覽日期: 二零一一年十月十一日(星期二) 至 十月二十日(星期四)

展覽時間: 星期二 至 星期日,中午12:00 – 下午8:00

地點:­香港 九龍 土瓜灣 馬頭角道63號 牛棚藝術村12號單位 藝術公社



分享會時間: 二零一一年十月九日(星期日) 下午4:45 - 6:00 題目:「手動有幾巴閉?」

分享會地點: 香港 九龍 土瓜灣 馬頭角道63號 牛棚藝術村12號單位 藝術公社

費用: 費用全免,歡迎各界人士參與


背景 近年,政府與公眾對保育的意識不斷提高,對推土式高度城市化發展的必要性作出質疑;對保留歷史文化建築及生態抱較正面的反映,已非一面倒的清拆重建。例如十年前的牛棚藝術村、四年前的石硤尾賽馬會創意藝術中心,及最近「湧現」的中區警署建築群、荷李活道前已婚警察宿舍、灣仔藍屋等,都是改變原有物業用途為藝術空間的例子。這些例子,觸發保留原始歷史與發展當代未來的矛盾問題,也帶出「原始」的魅力如何能與「當代」的概念融合,相得益彰。

「原始」、「當代」的轉化 本計劃透過參與藝術家以「原始」、低技術(lo-tech)的創作形式(包括:繪畫、單格動畫、手動機械),去進行創作,把高科技設施的投入減至最低,踏踏實實,去展現「當代」的社會文化題材。

文化歷史使命 及 象徵的轉化 本計劃共有兩項獨立但具共同理念的展覽活動,每項展覽分別於兩個不同的藝術空間進行(包括:C & G藝術花園@大棠荔枝園 及 土瓜灣牛棚藝術村)。

C & G藝術花園@大棠荔枝園是由一所千多平方尺田園村屋及數千尺草地轉化成的大自然另類藝術空間;牛棚藝術村由主宰生存死亡的屠宰場轉化成本地第一個官方承認的藝術村。兩個各具特色的藝術空間,體現其原始歷史使命隨時代變化,其變化經歷反映當代文化發展,反映藝術生態的生存模式與適應性,也正好讓藝術家反思: 1. 藝術與生活、2. 藝術與生存,這兩個基本問題。透過本計劃,探討基本藝術形態的轉化。先是表現點、線、面的雕塑展覽;後是發展至立體、互動的手動機械藝術展覽。每項展覽都是以原始技術為基本創作條件,以低技術(lo-tech)展現高技巧(hi-skill)。

《原始當代》計劃系列至今已是第三回,第一、二回主題都是單格動畫,第三回主題是雕塑及機械。是次《原始當代‧三》計劃系列 之《原始手動‧當代機械》立體藝術作品展覽,將於土瓜灣牛棚藝術村藝術公社舉行,共邀請到8位本地藝術家參與,藝術家將以機械形式,創作手動機械作品。預計8位藝術家將每人創作一件或一組有關《藝術與生存》的手動機械。鼓勵作品能達到互動,讓觀眾能參與。另本活動設藝術家分享會等配套環節,詳情請參看以下內容,或致電23909332查詢。

Primitive Contemporary III series--



This is in fact the third round of the ¡§Primitive Contemporary¡¨ exhibition series. While the first and second rounds in the series focused mainly on stop-motion animation, the upcoming exhibition, ¡§Primitive Craftsmanship¡EContemporary Mechanism,¡¨ (the second show in Primitive Contemporary III) will be about mechanical sculptures. It is going to take place at Artist Commune in Cattle Depot Artist Village, with eight local artists using manual mechanism for their art creation. The artists will each present one set of artwork that responds to the theme, ¡§Art and Survival.¡¨ Many of the pieces will be interactive and involve the participation of the audience. There will be an artist talk at the opening ceremony. Please refer to the followings for the details and feel free to call 23909332 for other enquiries.

Curated and Presented by :STRA

Co-presented by:C & G Artpartment

Supported by: Hong Kong Arts Development Council

Artists:AU Ka Yiu(Gavin), CHEUNG Chun Yeung(Martin), CHEUNG Clara, CHING Chin Wai(Luke), CHU Yiu Wai(Price), LO Chi Kit(Lock), WONG Kwok Choi(Kacey), WONG Wai Yin(Doris)

Opening: 4:00pm, (Sun) 9 October, 2011

Exhibition Period:(Tue) 11 October, 2011 - (Thur)20 October, 2011

Exhibition Time:12 - 8pm, Tuesday to Sunday

Exhibition Venue: Artist Commune, Unit 12 Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, Tokwawan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Fee: Free of charge


Time:4:45 - 6:00pm, (Sun) 9 October, 2011

Theme: "What is so great about manual mechanism?"

Seminar Venue:Artist Commune, Unit 12 Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, Tokwawan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Fee: Free of charge

Enquiry:M: 23909332


The Transformation of Primitive and Contemporary

The current project attempts to reveal the contemporary society and culture through a ¡§primitive¡¨ fashion. Eliminating the involvement of high-end technology, participating artists will use various lo-tech art media (like painting, stop-motion animation, low-tech mechanics) to make their artworks, in order to be back to basics.

The Transformation of the missions and symbolic meanings in the cultural history

The current project involves two independent exhibition events with the same concepts. The two exhibitions will take place at two different art spaces: C&G Art Garden @ Tai Tong Lychee Valley, and Cattle Depot Artist Village in To Kwan Wan.

C&G Art Garden is an independent art space transformed from a thousand-square-feet farmhouse and the nearby grassland. On the other hand, Cattle Depot Artist Village is the first officially recognized artist village transformed from a slaughterhouse that once dictated lives and deaths. Both venues have their uniqueness and have experienced the transformation of their functions and missions throughout the ages. The changes do not only reveal the development of the contemporary culture, but also the flexibility and survival tactics of the habitats within the local art ecology. These two unique venues help provide a nice opportunity for the artists to search for a critical response to the two basic issues in our art ecology: 1. art and living, and 2. art and survival. The current project attempts to look into the transformation of the basic art forms. The first exhibit in the series is about dots, lines and shapes in sculptures, while the second one is about interactive mechanics that are manually driven. Applying the primitive technology in the art forms, the two exhibitions will showcase ¡§hi-skill¡¨ with ¡§lo-tech.¡¨

This is in fact the third round of the ¡§Primitive Contemporary¡¨ exhibition series. While the first and second rounds in the series focused mainly on stop-motion animation, the upcoming exhibition, ¡§Primitive Craftsmanship¡EContemporary Mechanism,¡¨ (the second show in Primitive Contemporary III) will be about mechanical sculptures. It is going to take place at Artist Commune in Cattle Depot Artist Village, with eight local artists using manual mechanism for their art creation. The artists will each present one set of artwork that responds to the theme, ¡§Art and Survival.¡¨ Many of the pieces will be interactive and involve the participation of the audience. There will be an artist talk at the opening ceremony. Please refer to the followings for the details and feel free to call 23909332 for other enquiries.

Invitation Card
Curator & Artists at the Opening
SleepWalker by Kacey Wong
SleepWalker by Kacey Wong
SleepWalker by Kacey Wong
SleepWalker by Kacey Wong
What the Legco! by Lock Lo
What the Legco! by Lock Lo
Wood Camera by Martin Cheung
Wood Camera by Martin Cheung
Wood Camera by Martin Cheung
Wood Camera by Martin Cheung
Wood Camera by Martin Cheung
Wood Camera by Martin Cheung
Wood Camera by Martin Cheung
National Machine by Luke Ching
National Machine by Luke Ching
National Machine by Luke Ching
National Machine by Luke Ching
National Machine by Luke Ching
A Proper Use of Electricity by Doris Wong
A Proper Use of Electricity by Doris Wong
Stair by Chu Yiu Wai
Stair by Chu Yiu Wai
Self Realisation Program by Clara Cheung
Self Realisation Program by Clara Cheung
Self Realisation Program by Clara Cheung
Steps on the Stair to Success by Gavin Au
Steps on the Stair to Success by Gavin Au
Steps on the Stair to Success by Gavin Au
Steps on the Stair to Success by Gavin Au