"Curate No More" - Painting 《策你老毛》 之 「繪畫」

(8) 《策你老毛》之 「繪畫創作」“Curate No More” --- Painting

內容: 於2013年9月至2015年8月,每星期為自己繪畫一幅自畫像,而自畫像的參考是原自一面社會鏡子:傳播媒體。大規模搜集自己被傳播媒體,包括報章雜誌、電視、網絡媒體等拍攝到的肖像,以繪畫藝術方式再呈現。 香港,一直也缺乏對本土藝術歷史的整理,所以藝術創作透過媒體記錄後便成為一項有效的文獻整理,藝術家相信自己的肖像因藝術相關工作,被動地被傳媒拍攝並紀錄存檔,於是藝術家希望採取主動,適當地利用「傳媒」如槓桿般的力量,以主動的方式把自己對藝術的理念向外散佈。本系列創作就是取材自媒體對關於自己藝術創作的報導,把一個簡單的自我形象,重新包裝,自畫自說,紀錄自我歷史的一刻,以另一個形態在世上延續地再呈現。

Content: Between September 2013 and August 2015, Gum paints one self-portrait each week, based upon mass media’s representation of himself. During this painting project, he has done a large-scale study to search for his portraits appearing on newspaper, magazines, televisions, online-media etc, and then re-present his images from mass media on canvas.

Hong Kong has been lack of systematic writings about local art history. Sorted files of artworks being represented in mass media can formulate an effective art archive. Because of his role as an artist, Gum’s image is being represented and documented in mass media. Instead of being all the way passive, Gum Cheng has adapted a more pro-active approach to re-appropriate the power of the media to further express his own artistic ideas. The current series of paintings make use of the reports of the artist in mass media. A simplified personal history is being re-packaged in the paintings to reveal the sustainable development of an alternative dimension of the artist’s life.


-100幅尺寸不一的繪畫作品,媒介主要為油畫布本,尺寸介乎20 x 30厘米至70 x 100厘米


-100 oil paintings on canvas in different sizes (from 20X30 cm to 70 X 100 cm) will be exhibited

開幕Grand Opening:

(六Sat)3 - 10 - 2015, 下午6:00pm



香港 中環 下亞厘畢道二號 藝穗會「陳麗玲畫廊」

Exhibition Period and venue:

30 Sept - 14 Oct 2015, Mon to Sat, 12:00 noon to 10:00pm

Anita Chan Lai-ling Gallery, Fringe Club, 2 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong