批評C&G大賽 | C&G Critique Contest

為準備C&G藝術單於五月中旬參與的Para Site聯展,我們由今日起公開徵集藝評文章。我們誠邀公眾提交對C&G藝術單位的批評,鼓勵大家指出C&G藝術單位於藝術實踐上的問題。我們希望透過是次「批評C&G大賽」感染觀眾及鼓勵其他藝術家接受批評。



公開徵集截止日期為4月30日(星期六)香港時間中午12時,有興趣撰寫藝評的朋友必須把文章及聯絡方法發送至info@para-site.art,並於郵件標題註明「批評C&G大賽」。查詢詳情,歡迎與 info@para-site.art聯絡。

Participating in Parasite’s upcoming exhibition in May, C&G Artpartment is holding an open call for art reviews. We invite the general public to submit critiques of C&G Artpartment to raise issues in their artistic practice. Through this ‘C&G Critique Contest’, we hope to engage the public and encourage other artists to be more open to criticism.

C&G Artpartment says, ‘Criticism serves as reminders and guidance, and can be a driving force behind growth for those open to it and with a high EQ. It's a learning opportunity, as well as a process potentially leading to progress and epiphany. C&G has been around for fifteen years, and its contribution to the Hong Kong art scene should be felt if not seen. We’re not too stubborn to hear others’ advice, and we don’t mind criticism—in fact, the more of it the better!’

Submissions can be made in Chinese or English, between 1 and 100 words. All submissions will be presented bilingually and anonymously at the exhibition, where the audience will vote for their favourite. Everyone is welcome to get creative and speak their minds. The two critics with the most votes will each receive a signed work by C&G, so don’t miss this rare opportunity!

The submission deadline is Sat, 30 Apr, 12 noon, Hong Kong time. All submissions along with your contact information must be sent to info@para-site.art, with ‘C&G Critique Contest’ as the subject line. For further enquiries, please email info@para-site.art.