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《「最」大展》| 'THE' Survey Exhibition
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《「最」大展》由C & G藝術單位策劃,本計劃名義是慶祝C & G藝術單位成立十一週年之藝術大展,同時更關注藝術空間的生存與發展、角色與定位、使命與責任、承傳與培育新晉等等。藝術空間是具前瞻性及實驗性藝術創作、展現模式、論述方法的試點,是藝術昇華的重要階梯。C & G藝術單位在過去十一年都切實擔當這個角色。
《「最」大展》的初衷是:統計C & G藝術單位由開業至今,共策劃、主辦、主辦及策劃多少藝術活動,共邀請及與多少藝術家/藝術工作者合作過,有具體數據後,再於每項藝術活動中精選一位在該活動中創作了最「特別」的作品的藝術家參與是次計劃,共邀請約40位。
開幕時間: 2018年12月1日(星期六),晚上6:00-6:30
展覽時間: 2018年12月2日 至 23日,下午12:30-7:30。
地點: 香港 九龍 土瓜灣 馬頭角道63號 牛棚藝術村 12號單位、8號單位、N5號單
陳式森(三木)、楊秀卓、唐納天、陳素珊、俞若玫、syan aka MC Yan、羅文樂、陳麗雲、郭孟浩(蛙王) 、黃慧妍、林嵐、林玉蓮、關尚智、陳翊朗、鄧國騫、劉南茜、杜躍 x 黎振寧、張煒森、陳泳因、勞麗麗、梁美萍、朱耀煒、程展緯、張志平、劉學成、唐景鋒、蕭偉恒、自己野 (羅玉梅x 蘇瑋琳x鄺永嘉)、黃榮臻、馮美華、林東鵬、王永棠、唐偉傑、何遠良、擔泥 x 張景威、莫穎詩(共同創作:盧樂謙、Jesse Clockwork)、周俊輝、袁堅樑(丸仔) 、張嘉莉、鄭怡敏(阿金)
時間:2018年12月1 日(星期六),晚上6:30-8:00。主題:《沒有最錯》
地點:香港 九龍 土瓜灣 馬頭角道63號 牛棚藝術村 12號單位
地點:香港 九龍 太子 西洋菜南街222號 三字樓 C & G藝術單位
導賞I (由梁展峰帶隊)
導賞II (由鄭怡敏(阿金)帶隊)
導賞III (由梁展峰帶隊)
導賞IV (由鄭怡敏(阿金)帶隊)
導賞V (由張嘉莉(Clara)帶隊)
地點:九龍 土瓜灣 馬頭角道63號 牛棚藝術村
展覽期間,讓現場觀眾參與投票,投選最心水作品,結果將於展覽閉幕當日公報。最高票者會於2019年上半年在C & G藝術單位內進行為期一個月的小個展。小個展開幕當天將會是文獻圖錄發布之日。
拍賣 (拍賣官: 袁永賢 @ 騷褲脾)
於閉幕當日進行參展作品「一蚊拍賣」,每件作品收益歸該作品創作的藝術家,以輕鬆的手法鼓勵收藏,同時亦是購買最特別聖誕禮物的機會。詳情容後於C & G藝術單位facebook網頁公布。
策劃及統籌: C&G藝術單位
‘THE’ Survey Exhibition
‘THE’ survey exhibition, which is the most impressive, the most diverse, the most uncontrollable exhibition with the most active artists participating, will open on 1st December, 2018 (Sat) at Cattle Depot Artist Village.
Curated by C&G Artpartment, in the name of the celebration for its 11th anniversary, ‘THE’ survey exhibition is also drawing our attention to the development of local art spaces. Some of the questions include: What are the roles and responsibilities of an art space in society? How can it position itself? How can it help nurture the young practitioners? C&G believe that an art space must have its strong vision. It should be a spot for experimental art practices, different exhibition models and discourse development. It should be one of the important ladders to the sublime. C&G Artpartment has confidently practiced as such in the past 11 years.
The selection of artists is based on a serious revision over all the exhibitions curated or organized by C&G Artpartment since its establishment. C&G reviewed all their curatorial works and select the most ‘special’ artwork from each of the previous projects. Thereafter, they invite totally 40 artists who had been the most ‘special’ at one point.
According to a Chinese idiom, there is no championship in the arts, while there is no first-runner up in martial arts. We do believe that artists are always humble. It certainly is a challenge to ask them to name themselves the number one or the most of such and such. ‘THE’ survey exhibition will provide an opportunity for different artists to show different outlooks of the most self-centered, the most self-contained, the most narcissistic or the most …everything…
Besides ‘The’ exhibition, there will be a series of parallel programs during the show, including discussion forums, guided tours, auction and voting etc:
Exhibition with 23 days:
Exhibition Period: 1st Dec, 2018 (Sat) to 23rd Dec, 2018 (Sun)
Exhibition Time:12:30-7:30pm
Exhibition Venue: Unit 12, 8 & N5, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Participating Artists: Sanmu CHAN, Ricky YEUNG Sau Churk, Nadim ABBAS, Sushan CHAN, Cally YU, syan aka MC Yan, LAW Man Lok, Movana CHEN, KWOK Mang Ho (Frog King), WONG Wai Yin, Lam Lamm, Pauline LAM Yuk Lin, KWAN Sheung Chi, Oscar CHAN Yik Long, TANG Kwok Hin, Nanxi LIU, TO Yeuk X LAI Chun Ling, Eddie CHEUNG Wai Sum, Doreen CHAN Wing Yan, LO Lai Lai, LEUNG Mee Ping, CHU Yiu Wai, CHING Chin Wai, Ben CHEONG Chi Ping, LAU Hok Shing, Kurt TONG, SIU Wai Hang, Selfish Wild (Law Yuk Mui X So Wai Lam X Kwong Wing Ka) , Wayne WONG Wing Chun, May FUNG, LAM Tung Pang, WONG Wing Tong, Damon TONG, HO Yuen Leung, Mudwork X Reds CHEUNG, MOK Wing See(Vinci)(co-operated with: Him Lo、Jesse Clockwork), , CHOW Chun Fai, YEUN Kin Leung Maru (Yuenjie), CHENG Yee Man (Gum) , Clara CHEUNG
Discussion Forums, 2 rounds
Forum I
Time: 1st December, 2018(Sat), 6:30-8:00pm. Title: ‘The Worst Mistake Does Not Exist.’
Venue: Unit 12, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Forum II
Time: 14th December, 2018 (Fri), 7:30-9:30pm. Title: ‘It Can Always Get Even Worse.’
Venue: C&G Artpartment, 3/F, 222 Sai Yeung Choi St South, Prince Edward, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Guided Tours, 5 sessions
Tour I (led by Jeff LEUNG)
Time: 2nd December, 2018 (Sun), 3:30-5:00pm
Tour II (led by Gum CHENG)
Time: 8nd December, 2018 (Sat), 3:30-5:00pm
Tour III (led by Jeff LEUNG)
Time: 9th December, 2018 (Sun), 3:30-5:00pm
Tour IV (led by Clara CHEUNG)
Time: 15th December, 2018 (Sat), 3:30-5:00pm
Tour V (led by Gum CHENG)
Time: 22th December, 2018 (Sat), 3:30-5:00pm
Vote for my Favorite Artist
During the exhibition, audience is invited to vote for their favorite art piece. The result will be announced at the closing of the exhibition. The artist who win the most votes will be awarded a chance to have a small solo exhibition at C&G Artpartment in the first half year of 2019. The opening of the small solo exhibition will also be the launching day for ‘The’ exhibition catalogue.
Auction (Auctioneer: Thomas Yuen @ Sofoolbid's)
‘$1 auction’ will take place on the closing day of ‘The’ Survey Exhibition. All the revenue will be returned to the artist of the sold piece. It will be a relaxing moment to encourage art collection and also the most special moment to purchase for Christmas presents. Auction’s detail will be announced at C&G Artpartment’s Facebook page and website later.
Curated & Organized by: C&G Artpartment
資助/Supported by: ![]() |