The Most Chemical Solo Exhibition 《最化學》個展: from ‘THE’ Survey Exhibition 《「最」大展》系列


‘The Most Chemical’ Solo Exhibition from ‘THE’ Survey Exhibition


2018年12月,C & G藝術單位策劃了近年少有的高質素大型藝術聯展—《「最」大展》。 《「最」大展》於土瓜灣牛棚藝術村舉行,共吸引接近二千人參觀欣賞,展覽過程中,我們透過問卷調查,收集觀眾對展覽及作品的意見。從大約二百份有效問卷結果得悉,除顯示觀眾普遍超級喜歡《「最」大展》這展覽外,亦為我們投票選出當時「最心水」藝術家:杜躍X黎振寧。

「最心水」藝術家:杜躍X黎振寧將於今年5月應邀於太子C & G藝術單位進行名為《「最化學」個展》。「最化學」的概念是基於近些年來,香港的政策改革趨向擾民,摧毀民生原有生態,各種基建不但嚴重破壞了自然生態的平衡,承包商與政府的勾結更令所有基層質素失去了原有的標準。而作為市民的我們,所得到的是納米樓,通貨澎漲,言論自由空間的壓搾……日常生活和本土文化正迅速地被改變。但我們只能坐在這兒,看著這些日常被侵食,被代替,被理所當然……藝術是一種通過創作而呈現真實的一種語言,它為我們發出一種「一切並不是理所當然」的渠道。

「最化學」是很香港式的形容詞,形容一切易壞掉,滿心期望卻令人失望的東西。是次作品就是要表現出我們一心祝願的香港生活,都被當權政府一天一天侵犯,眼前就只有「最化學」的生活條件保障。「最化學」表達的是人民對理想生活的失落,也表現了日常生活像被化學物質侵蝕掉的。 是次展覽除展出杜躍X黎振寧於《「最」大展》展出的部份作品外,亦分別有他們二人的經典及最新創作。展覽於2019年5月4日(星期六)下午六時開幕。屆時敬備芥辣青豆等小吃,費用全免,歡迎光臨參觀。

In December 2018, C&G Artpartment curated ‘THE’ Survey Exhibition that attracted more than 2000 visitors. During the exhibition, we invited the audience to fill out questionnaires and vote for their favorite artist. Besides learning that most visitors enjoyed the show, we also got the result of ‘My Favorite Artist’: To Yeuk X Lai Chun Ling.

This May, C&G is inviting this artist group to have its solo exhibition at C&G Artpartment, Prince Edward. This exhibition is named after the title of their art piece from ‘THE’ Survey Exhibition last year: ‘The Most Chemical.’ The following is the artist statement:

In recent years, Hong Kong's policy reforms have tended to disturb people living there and destroy the original ecology of the people's livelihood. Various infrastructures have not only seriously damaged the balance of natural ecology but also the collusion between contractors and the government has caused all grassroots to loose its original living standards. As citizens, what we get, are nano-stores, soaring stocks, the squeeze of free speech space... Daily life and local culture are rapidly changing and getting worse. But we can only stay here and watch these daily invaders. Being replaced, taken for granted... Art is a language that presents reality through creation. It gives us a channel of "everything is not taken for granted".

“The most chemical” is an adjective in Cantonese, in Hong Kong style. This describes that anything is getting broken easily or fragile. This makes people disappointed. Our work, “The most chemical”, is presenting our hope for peaceful life in Hong Kong getting violated by authority with time. We are witnessing protection of our living conditions getting more “chemical”. “The most chemical” is presenting disappointment on chasing our ideal life and also a chemical action from this work is a metaphor that our daily life eroded by authority’s action.

The current exhibition will showcase some of the artworks from the series ‘The Most Chemical’ in last year’s exhibition, along with new pieces. Opening ceremony will take place on May 4 (Sat) 6pm. Wasabi beans, snacks and drinks will be served.

(Free of charge. All are welcome.)

開幕時間: 2019年5月4日 (六) 6:00 pm

展覽日期: 2019年5月5日 至5月27日

(星期二、三、公眾假期 及 5月13日(國際請病假日)休息)

展覽時間 2:00 - 7:00 pm

展覽地點 香港九龍太子西洋菜南街222號三字樓 C&G 藝術單位

Opening May 4th, 2019 (Sat) 6:00 pm

Exhibition Dates 5 May - 27 May, 2019

(Close on Tue, Wed, Public Holiday and May 13 (International Sick Leave Day) )

Exhibition Hours 2:00 - 7:00 pm

Exhibition Venue C&G Artpartment, 3/F, 222 Sai Yeung Choi St. South, Prince Edward, KLN, HK