“Reposition" Conceptual Art Exhibition
《出口》 觀念藝術展

“Reposition" Conceptual Art Exhibition
《出口》 觀念藝術展

Participating Artists:
TANG Kwok Hin, WONG Wing Tong, Michelle WONG, Yang YEUNG, Candy YEUNG, C & G
Opening Party: 30/6/2024, 6:01pm (UK time) [1/7/2024, 1:01am (HK time)]
Exhibition Period: 1/7/2024 - 30/7/2024
Opening Hours: Sun, Mon, Tue (1pm-6pm)
Venue: 71 Holme Lane, S6 4JP, Sheffield, UK

Modern Hong Kong was born in 1841, in an entangling relationship with the British colonial rule.

Growing in between Britain and China, people in Hong Kong have taken a long time to develop their distinct identity of Hongkongers, which is then suppressed by the neo-coloniser of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).   Such suppression is more intensified since the 2019 revolution in Hong Kong, but has been taking place ever since the 1970s when the CCP denied Hongkongers’ right to self-determine its future at the United Nations.  

Founded in 2007 in Hong Kong, C & G Artpartment has relocated to the UK since 2021, and is reopening its new art space in Sheffield, Northern England. 

This group project of “Reposition” was first realised and shown in the group exhibition titled "Cures: Chronic Promises" in Savvy Contemporary at Berlin (LINK) . Resonating with an article by Yang Yeung, titled "What it might mean to live as peers of contemporary art: a personal reflection on nostalgia’s demand from Hong Kong" (LINK) , this project invites five good friends of C & G, TANG Kwok Hin, Michelle WONG, WONG Wing Tong, Candy YEUNG and Yang YEUNG to artistically respond to C & G’s practises, helping them review the past and dance with the future. 

From Hong Kong to the UK, C & G look forward to working with Hong Kong artists in different corners of the world to re-position Hong Kong Art, amid the ongoing dialogues of decoloniality with the international communities that go beyond Hong Kong.

C & G 藝術單位 從香港暫時出走,輾轉間去到英國雪埠Sheffield,為自己嘅藝術創作、藝術生涯,搵個出口,重新定位。






C & G當然未有答案,但我哋一向都認為,要從實踐中學習。我哋再設置一個實體藝術空間,就係要去做實驗,去搵出路。路係人行出嚟嘅,唔行就唔會體驗到前面嘅境況。


"The Mood Of Searching For Traces Of C & G"
by TANG Kwok Hin

"Under The Bed Zine" by Michelle WONG

"to be continued" by Yang YEUNG

"Novus Murmur" by Candy YEUNG

"Flash Mob? This Guy Thinks It's A Flesh Mob"
by WONG Wing Tong

"On Fire Documentation Video"
by C & G