“Exhibition Proposal" Exhibition 《展覽計劃》 展覽

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“Exhibition Proposal" Exhibition
《展覽計劃》 展覽

Participating Art Practitioners:
Hiu Ching CHAN, Wing Chi CHAN, Tsz Fung CHEUNG, Suie LO, Nutz LUK, Jessie TAM, Reed Leaf
Exhibition Period: 26/8/2024 - 24/9/2024
Opening Hours: Sun, Mon, Tue (1pm-6pm)
Venue: 71 Holme Lane, S6 4JP, Sheffield, UK

About the Exhibition:
Launched on 1st July 2024, C & G Artpartment’s inaugural exhibition, titled “Reposition: A Conceptual Art Exhibition,” brought together five Hong Kong artists to reflect on and engage with the 17-year legacy of C & G’s art practice in Hong Kong. The exhibition explored how the Hong Kong diaspora continues to uphold the Hongkonger identity and share the 'true Hong Kong story' on the global stage. Although this first exhibition has concluded, it marks the beginning of new development of a Hongkonger alternative art space. Working in the cultural sector, C & G are committed to the vital task of articulating Hong Kong culture, guiding Hongkongers, including ourselves, towards self-recognition, mutual understanding, and the transmission of our cultural heritage to future generations. Our mission goes beyond the simplistic portrayal of familiar cultural icons. We strive to present a nuanced and comprehensive narrative of Hong Kong’s art and culture to audiences in the UK. C & G Artpartment’s curatorial vision has always emphasised the intersection of social and political discourse with the arts. Through art-based research and satirical, humour-infused activities, we aim to promote the values, attitudes, spirit, creativity, history, and culture of Hongkongers not only in the UK but globally.

The second exhibition at the Artpartment is intricately tied to our recent relocation to the UK. C & G recently have initiated grassroots curatorial courses at the online teaching platform 'Skip Class,’ founded by a Hong Kong artist who relocated to the UK due to academic censorship. For this forthcoming exhibition, we have invited participants in our course to submit exhibition proposals for C & G Artpartment, with no restrictions on the themes or topics. These proposals, printed on paper, will be showcased directly in the gallery.

Throughout the exhibition, both in-person and online audiences will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite proposal. The proposal with the most votes will be realised at C & G Artpartment in the following year, providing a platform for art practitioners to exercise their creativity and see their visions brought to life. This initiative also offers our curatorial course participants a tangible opportunity to apply their skills in a real-world context, moving beyond theoretical discussions to actionable outcomes.

The submission criteria for the proposals are straightforward: participants must submit a four-page A4 proposal in English, including the concept, background, content, expected participating artists, budget, and supporting illustrations and text. This format ensures that audiences can quickly grasp the essence of each proposal and cast their votes accordingly. We have received seven diverse and ambitious proposals, each creatively advancing the promotion of Hong Kong artists and culture—steering clear of the commonly known cultural icons like milk tea, pineapple buns, helmets, or masks.

When casting your vote, there is no need to consider the budget, as the final version of the exhibition will be adapted to fit available resources. Instead, focus on the proposal that resonates most with you and holds the greatest potential for development. The exhibition, displaying these proposals mounted uniformly on the gallery walls, will run from August 26 to September 24, 2024. An online voting platform will also be launched on the first day of the exhibition. Admission is free, and we warmly welcome everyone to visit, engage, and vote for the proposal that speaks to them most deeply.

有十七年歷史嘅C & G藝術單位實體空間喺2024年正式由香港搬到英國錫菲,並喺7月1號正式開幕。第一個展覽題為「《出口》觀念藝術展覽」,展覽內容為邀請五位香港藝術家回應、回顧我哋C & G藝術單位喺香港十幾年嚟嘅藝術工作,透視香港離散群體點樣延續香港人文化身份,點樣喺外國「說好(真正)香港故事」。雖然呢個頭炮展覽已經結束,但陸續有嚟。

作為文化藝術工作者,協助香港人建立文化身份而走向自我認同、互相認同、被普遍認同,甚至傳承,係責無旁貸嘅。我哋從事當代藝術策劃有成廿年,嚟到英國之後,都希望可以將香港藝術更全面咁呈現比英國朋友知道同了解,唔好成日咁片面、咁表面、齋消費即食易明嘅icon,咁樣將香港文化淺易、表面、片面咁赤裸展示呢個套路,好易行到盡頭。我哋C & G藝術單位一貫以回應當時的社會和政治議題為主要創作同策展方向,透過較長時間研究結果去作為展覽策劃嘅基礎,再以嬉笑怒罵嘅方式進行藝術活動,希望將香港價值、態度、精神、創意、歷史、文化,更深入全面咁推廣比英國甚至全世界知道。

嚟緊第二個展覽,可以話同我哋移居英國生活同工作有較多關係。事緣我哋C & G參加咗一個由香港移居英國嘅藝術家朋友所舉辦嘅網上教學平台——「走堂」( skip class ),成為導師,我哋主要講授策展課程。嚟緊呢個展覽,係邀請參加過我哋課程嘅朋友,個別提交一份目標喺我哋C & G藝術單位度展覽而題材無限嘅計劃書,然後我哋就會直接展示返呢啲紙本計劃書。展覽期間,希望觀眾現場或同期網上投票,幫手選出自己最心水嘅計劃書,而獲得最多人投選嘅最心水計劃書,將會喺下個年度喺C & G實現呢份計劃。我哋咁做都係希望提供一個可以比藝術工作者發揮自由思想、自由意志兼可以實行出嚟嘅平台,同時,我哋希望比參加我哋策展課程嘅朋友,可以真係有實踐機會,唔係空口講白話。

我哋呢次邀請計劃書嘅條件好簡單,就係請參加嘅朋友交四版A 4嘅英文計劃書,當中包含計劃概念、背景、內容、預計參展藝術家、預算等等,圖文並茂,比觀眾可以盡快了解唔同嘅計劃,等佢哋試吓做評審員,但又可以輕鬆投選心水計劃書。我哋總共收到七份計劃書。因為公平原則,內容就唔方便喺度透露,總之全部主題都好有創意,都有野心想力推香港藝術家同埋香港文化,唔係大家幾乎睇厭嘅奶茶、菠蘿包、頭盔、口罩……


>> To View the PROPOSALS | 參閱計劃書

Exhibition Invitation E-card

Submission by Jessie Tam

Submission by Hiu Ching CHAN

Submission by Nutz LUK

Submission by Reed Leaf

Submission by Suie LO

Submission by Tsz Fung CHEUNG

Submission by Wing Chi CHAN