人人都是藝術家 人人都是 KOL
在動盪的年代,每個人都以不同方式表達己見。從 2008 年學生和文化工作者以藝術行動表達抗議清拆天星小輪碼頭,到2014 年雨傘運動中,包括畫家、設計師和普羅市民都以不同創意表達訴求並為大家打氣。越來越多人以藝術創作來各抒己見。這展覽以資深藝術家阿金(鄭怡敏) 和素人藝術家李泰鉑的藝術創作,體現創意的普及和主民化,同時表達大眾對個別社會時事的批判。
阿金和李泰鉑會以藝術品回應國際上不同新聞議題如: 奧運會、種族予盾和北韓核彈事件。阿金一直關心香港時政,以藝術行動表達意見,另外又直接參與爭取藝術家權益的運動,身體力行回應時事。從 2004 年到 2013 年,阿金與其太太組成的「C&G 藝術單位」在每年七一遊行上均以藝術性方式參與遊行,創作了「七‧一新人系列」。2007 年他們背著藝術家剪影的鏡面,激發大眾思考自己的位置;2012 年七一遊行中,他們赤足地遊行,寓以當下要腳踏實地。另外阿金亦以 繪畫紀錄報章上的新聞報導 。今次展覧中,阿金以十月一日當日的誌慶廣告為材料和題材,衍生藝術創作,表達一個香港人對「大日子」的感想——在歡天喜地的大日子下個人意見和⬀在的消失。
正反以外的批判性觀點 獨立策展人梁展峰為鼓勵觀眾以不同角度了解關於社會時事的藝術創作,嘗試去除本展覧中的作品標題,以多份新聞剪報去配對阿金和李泰鉑的展品。梁希望讓展覧空間化成一份立體的報紙——包含新聞和時事漫畫,藉以引發觀眾的聯想和思,從而以藝術展示時政議題在正反對立以外的不同觀點。
We are all artists, we are all KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) In this turbulent age, everyone has a unique way to express their opinions. From a series of art actions and performances staged to oppose the demolition of Star Ferry Pier in 2008 to the explosion of creativity in the Umbrella Movement in 2014, art particularly and prominently, has been act as a form of protests, addressing and expressing towards social and political issues. These art forms were not only limited to art students and cultural professionals but also the general public. This exhibition showcases artworks by established artist Cheng Yee Man (Gum) and self-taught artist Lee Tae Pak, demonstrating on how creativity can be universal yet fair while reflecting on public criticism on particular socio-political issues.
Art as Political Criticism
Artists Cheng Yee Man, Gum and Lee Tae Pak will address various global issues in the exhibition, for instances, The Olympics, Racism and North Korea Nuclear Crisis. Through the making of art and the participation in movements fighting for the rights of local artists, Gum has always been very active in bringing up social and political issues in response to his concerns and views. From 2004 to 2013, Gum and his wife Clara Cheung, founders of C&G Artpartment created July 1st Couple, each year they performed a piece during the July 1st rally in Hong Kong. In the 2007 performance The Three Walking Together, the duo carried a mirror cut in the shape of the artists’ silhouette on their backs to encourage protesters to rethink the purpose of protests. Few years later in the 2012 rally, they walked with their bare feet which implied that audiences should keep their feet on the ground at this very moment. Drawing, on the other hand, has become Gum’s alternative way to document the news. Inspired by the advertisement on the celebration of National Day on 1 October, Gum’s artworks reflect on how one’s opinions and existence can be vanished in this delightful day.
In collaboration with Jeff Leung, Lee Tae Pak has transformed his thoughts on social issues into the work of art. Like every Hongkonger, Lee has his own perception of social events as he has witnessed significant changes in Hong Kong. Besides words, he experimented with images and symbols to express his views like how creativity was used in different movements. In this exhibition, Lee particularly uses Fishing Toy to represent that in local political ecology and discipline - there are no permanent friends or enemies.
More than Positive and Negative Criticisms
Unlike any other exhibition, independent curator Jeff Leung matches a number of news clippings with the featuring artworks rather than keeping their original titles to encourage audiences to see art in social events with more diverse perspectives. Leung transforms the exhibition space into a 3-dimensional newspaper - including news and political cartoons, to stimulate audiences to explore the diversity of criticisms in responding to art in social and political issues.
媒體查詢 | For Media Enquiries:
電話 | Tel: 2390-9332
電郵 | Email: info@CandG-Artpartment.com
場地贊助 | Venue Sponsor: C&G 藝術單位 | C&G Artpartment
參展者簡介 | About the artists:
阿金 (鄭怡敏)
阿金於香港出生,阿金曾任中學校董,現為註冊社工、兼任藝術學院講師、「C&G 藝術單位」藝術單位創辦人之一、藝術團體「二二六工程」會長。自 2000 年開始策展藝術展覽、教育、研討、交流等過百項活動。他的策展理念以質疑政治、社會、民生議題及藝術制度為主。 詳細資料: www.candg-artpartment.com/aboutc&g.html
Cheng Yee Man (Gum)
Born in Hong Kong, Gum was a member of School Management Committee. Currently he is a registered social worker, part-time lecturer of the Hong Kong Art School, founder of C&G Artpartment, chairman of a Hong Kong non-profit art group “Project 226”. Since 2000, he has curated more than 100 art exhibitions, educational programmes, seminars, exchange programmes etc. His curatorial direction mainly criticizes politics, social issues and art eco-system. For more information, please see here: http://www.candg-artpartment.com/aboutc&g.html
Lee Tae Pak
Lee Tae Pak, a Hong Kong middle-aged man. One day Lee met curator Jeff Leung, who inspired him to explore art by visiting art fairs and exhibitions and studying art courses, where he realised that everyone can be an artist.
Jeff Leung
Leung Chin Fung, Jeff is an independent curator and university lecturer, mainly focusing on bringing the study of Hong Kong art to the exhibitions he curated. He has also written on Hong Kong exhibitions for art magazines.