BEYOND FREEDOM 《自由之外》: “Residency‧East-Asia‧Dialogue on Myth‧History‧Identity” Documentation & Response Exhibition 「駐村‧東亞‧對話」之 《神話‧歷史‧身份》 文獻回應展覽

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「駐村‧東亞‧對話」之 《神話‧歷史‧身份》 文獻回應展覽

“Residency‧East-Asia‧Dialogue on Myth‧History‧Identity” Documentation & Response Exhibition


閱讀神話有助我們開闊對時、空的想像,打破直線式的歷史書寫習慣,反覆穿越不同的邊界,去重塑自身。遠古的神話故事,多與自然現象或動植物緊扣互動,每每象徵著人與天地萬物的複雜關係,也有如希臘神話或玉皇大帝的天庭故事,由個人、家庭、以至天下都無所不談。我們傳統有句金科玉律:「修身、齊家、治國、平天下」,但在神話世界中,不少神話人物雖會修身、齊家、 平天下,治國的概念似乎很低。這更突出神話塑造的「超級世界觀」。而這與全球化視野有多少不謀而合?與微觀的香港身份定位又有多少牽連?

r:ead #5以《神話・歷史・身份》作為主題,希望引發及刺激對話與交流,不論上古神話、歷史、野史,更廣義至近代的傳說甚至英雄事蹟,或是廣告與消費文化衍生的當代神話,都可作為研討重點。是次的文獻回應展覽,參考了其中一位參與翻譯的藝術家張碧霄的回應獨白: 「自由在自由之外,言語在語言之外」 以《自由之外》作為主題,嘗試探索如何以「液態身分」在流動的時、空中直面當下,追蹤那不可觸碰的自由、說出那不能詮釋的話語。

除了今次r:ead #5的藝術工作者參與,亦邀請2015年參與r:ead #4的藝術工作者加入,展出包括香港、日本、韓國、台灣、內地超過二十位藝術工作者的創作,包括視像、表演、繪畫、攝影、裝置、文獻記錄等。展覽一方面讓觀眾更能了解r:ead交流活動的發展和特色,另一方面,希望展現東亞不同地區的當代文化藝術狀況。各地文化有其獨特的神話、傳說,反映其文化特質與生存狀態,也揭示當地的文化發展和文化身分。撇除從文學或人類學角度分析神話外,藝術工作者以更開闊的想像去演繹和發展各自對神話、歷史、身份的理解,為「神話」注入嶄新的註解,以藝術元素為「神話・歷史・身份」創作出新的關鍵詞。

文獻回應展覽將於7月22日(星期六)下午4:30開幕,期間本地藝術家鄧國騫、陳翊朗與本計劃的實習生將集體進行聲演現場創作,之後會有中、港、台藝術工作者進行一節分享對談。活動費用全免,文獻作品展覽展期由2017年7月23日至2017年8月15日,歡迎各界人士參觀。如有任何疑問,歡迎致電23909332 或電郵至 查詢.

有關r:ead 的過往活動及相關資料,請參看此網頁:

About the exhibition:

Inspired by both the dialogue-based format and critical content from their previous experience in r:ead #4 during 2015, C&G Artpartment proudly takes turn to host r:ead #5 in Hong Kong this year, after many different attempts to look for funding and resources. While Hongkongers are still urgently in search for our identity and subjectivity, twenty years after the handover, many others in the globe are also re-considering multiculturalism and re-defining their identities as well. With the theme on "Myth・History・Identity," r:ead #5 attempts to examine our “identity” through looking into mythical stories and history writing, with a group of contemporary artists and curators from Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Myths provide us more possible imaginations about time and space, and help break away from the linear thinking mode in traditional history-writing. Subjectivity is, thereafter, re-constructed and re-developed through traversing back and forth different boundaries in time and space. Many mythical stories from the ancient age interconnect with natural phenomenon, animals and plants, and often reveal the complex relationship between human beings and different elements in the world in a symbolic manner. There are also old myths, like the famous Greek mythology and the Jade Emperor in the Heaven for Chinese, which consist of vivid individual personalities, strong family networks and infinite care of the world. The Confucius’s saying: “Universal peace must be preceded by national harmony; national harmony, by familial solidarity; and familial solidarity, by personal integrity,” is well-known in Chinese culture. While many mythical characters do carry strong personal integrity, have a strong family network and rule out the world at the same time, they seldom process the concept of nation building. How much does such worldview without nations, in the old myths, resemble nowadays’ global vision? How much does it relate to the micro-perspective in Hongkongers’ identity?

r:ead #5 makes use of related materials about “Myth・History・Identity” to trigger artistic dialogues and inspire creative ideas. Ancient myths, official and unofficial histories, heroic tales, and even contemporary myths from the consumerist cultures can all be key points for discussion during the residency. The title of the current exhibition, “Beyond Freedom,” references the monologue in Mandarin during the sharing session on the last day of the residency program, by the participating translator, Frankie ZHANG, who is a practicing artist as well: “Liberty beyond the definition of freedom. Words beyond the definition of language. (This English version has been translated by another participating translator, Christopher Wong). “Beyond Freedom” exhibition attempts to explore how a “fluid identity” can possibly traverse throughout time and space in order to live for the moment, to go after the untouchable freedom and to voice out the unspeakable words.

With participants from r:ead#5 and also r:ead #4 in 2015, the current exhibition will showcase artworks by more than twenty art practitioners from Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and the Mainland China, including video art, performance art, painting, photography, installation and documentation of various art projects. The exhibition, on one hand, allows audience to understand the features of the r:ead program. On the other hand, it helps reveal the contemporary arts and culture of neighbors in East Asia for local audience. Rather than looking at myths from an anthropological and literature-study points of view, participating artists re-interpret “myths, history and identity” to further develop their new footnotes and keywords for the topic.

The documentation and response exhibition will open on July 22, 2017 (Sat) at 4:30pm, beginning with a sound performance by local artists, TANG Kwok Hin, Oscar CHAN and the participating intern students for the project. There will be a sharing and dialogue session with art practitioners from Hong Kong, Taiwan and China afterward. All programs are free for public, while the exhibit will last until August 15, 2017. For enquiries, please feel free to contact 23909332/

To find out more information about the previous r:ead programs, please visit:

文獻回應展覽內容Details of Documentation & Response Exhibition:

日期/Date: 2017年7月23日 至 8月15日 | 23rd July – 15th August, 2017

時間/Time: 1:00pm - 7:00pm

地點/Venue: 香港 九龍 土瓜灣 馬頭角道63號 牛棚藝術村12號單位 Unit 12, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, HongKong

參與藝術工作者/Art Practitioners:

陳翊朗Oscar CHAN Yik Long、鄧國騫TANG Kwok Hin、鄭怡敏 CHENG Yee Man(Gum)、 張嘉莉 CHEUNG Clara、瞿暢 QU Chang、HK Farm與參與者 HK Farm and Contributors、 勞麗麗 LO Lai Lai、Map Office、楊沛鏗 Trevor YEUNG、張碧霄 Frankie ZHANG、 玄宇民 HYUN Woomin、竹川宣彰 TAKEKAWA Nobuaki、趙純惠 CHO Sunhe、 崔允Yun CHO、金東圭 KIM Dongkyu、金真 JIN Zhen、李將旭 LEE Jangwook、 陳冠彰 CHEN Guan-Jhang、賴依欣Nicole LAI、吳其育 WU Chi-Yu、 沈森森 SHEN Sum-Sum、致穎 Musquiqui Chihying

文獻回應展覽開幕活動 Opening of the Documentation & Response Exhibition:

日期/Date: 2017年7月22日(六) | 22nd July , 2017 (SAT)

時間/Time: 4:30 pm – 5:00pm

鄧國騫策劃 Curated by TANG Kwok Hin

創作團隊/Collaborative participants:

陳翊朗Oscar CHAN Yik Long、鄧國騫TANG Kwok Hin、趙政CHU Ching, Alan、 李晴欣LEE Ching Yan, Cherry、梁詩雅LEUNG Sze Nga、鄧詩雅TANG Sze Nga、 蔡悅嘉TSOI Yuet Ka, Katherine、楊昱航YANG Yu Hang、謝梓珊Crystal TSE Tsz Shan、 徐清華TSUI Ching Wa, Roy、何芷文HE Zhiwen, Kris

展覽分享對談|Sharing and Dialogue

日期/Date: 2017年7月22日(六) | 22nd July , 2017 (SAT)

時間/Time: 5:00 pm – 6:30pm

講者/Speakers: 鄧國騫TANG Kwok Hin、陳翊朗Oscar CHAN Yik Long、瞿暢 QU Chang、張碧霄 Frankie ZHANG、賴依欣 Nicole LAI、吳其育 WU Chi-Yu

藝術家: 吳其育、沈森森、致穎
Artists: Wu Chi-Yu, Shen Sum-Sum, Musquiqui Chihying
Artist: CHEN Guan-Jhang
Artist: Frankie ZHANG
Artist: HYUN Woomin
Artist: JIN Zhen
Artist: Oscar CHAN Yik Long
Artist: TANG Kwok Hin
Artist: Yun CHOI
About the residency dialgoue in June