tBack To The Basic 《基本回歸》: Art Exhibition 藝術展覽


'Back To The Basic' Art Exhibition

基本法第五條註明香港特別行政區在此九七後,保持原有的資本主義制度和生活方式,五十年不變。 轉眼間,十年已逝,香港各界人人慶祝,急及不待地推出各式各樣的慶回歸活動,據政府統計,活動數目前前後後多達460項。

可是,又有多少人記得九七前後出現的藝術作品是如何探討當時的社會文化議題呢? 在回歸十週年的前夕,除了歌舞昇平的慶祝活動,也許亦是時候「回歸基本」。

過去十年當中,有很多大事件都與《基本法》有直接或間接關係,如反二十三條立法、七一遊行、人大釋法等等。 又如《基本法》保留了香港在世界貿易組織(WTO)的成員身份,促成本港舉行世貿會議,引起反世貿示威、 《基本法》間接及鼓勵容許大量內地孕婦來港產子等等。

是次展覽並非刻意解剖條文內容與現在實際社會的配合程度,來質疑《基本法》在當下的切合性。 而是希望邀請藝術家透過他們自己對《基本法》的理解作為創作的基本,以藝術創作探討《基本法》的象徵意義, 從基本概念的「理解」,到意義、形態上的「拆解」,到概念綜合的「調解」,到視覺藝術演繹的「講解」, 把藝術家從回歸以來至今對《基本法》的愛恨纏綿,以藝術角度或理性或感性地展現。

參展藝術家中,有的於九七前,已利用藝術方式表達對回歸前後的身份問題; 有的於九七期間,透過作品質疑回歸後香港處境的變化;有的於九七後,觀察並反思本港的藝術生態發展。 他們的作品是蘊釀多年的生活經驗的結果。拋開對「打扁英女皇銅像的鼻子並向其淋紅油」的《紅色行動》、《好門能愛國》、 《七‧一新人遊行訂婚》等作品的先入為主的印象,以最基本的心情拭目以待。





潘星磊、梁寶山、關尚智、張康生、Clara & 金 (C&G)




二零零七年六月十日(星期日) 至 七月九日(星期一)





香港 九龍 旺角 西洋菜南街222號 四樓 (始創中心後)



Back To The Basic  Art Exhibition

According to the 5th article of the Basic Law, Hong Kong SAR's previous capitalist system and way of life should remain unchanged for 50 years after 1997. Ten years have past so far, and everyone in Hong Kong is ready to celebrate for this 10th anniversary of the establishment of HKSAR. At least 460 events can be found in Hong Kong for this anniversary throughout the year of 2007.

However, can anyone actually remember how the artworks from a decade ago brought up discussions over the cultural and social issues concerning 1997? Besides celebrations and parties, perhaps it is also the time to be 'Back to the Basic.'

The Basic Law has direct or indirect influence over many important events happened in the past decade in Hong Kong. For example, it was the 23rd article from the Basic Law that caused the July 1st march since 2003 and it was the interpretations of the Basic Law by the National People's Congress that rejected the 2007 universal suffrage. Also, the Basic Law allows Hong Kong to remain its 'Hong Kong, China' status as one of the WTO member. It follows both the sixth WTO Ministerial Conference meeting and the anti-WTO protest took place in Hong Kong in 2005. Besides, the recent mainland baby boom in Hong Kong also is related to the Basic Law.

The current exhibition, by no means, intends to reexamine the articles in the Basic Law or to re-evaluate them. On the other hand, this exhibit attempts to invite artists to make artworks based on their own understanding on the Basic Law, to use art to investigate its symbolic meanings, and to emotionally or rationally reveal the complex relationships between the Basic Law and themselves ever since the handover.

Among the artists in this show, there are some who have made works concerning the identity crisis of Hongkongers before 1997, some who have questioned the changes of Hong Kong through their art pieces during the handover, and some who have artworks to explore the development of the Hong Kong art ecology after 1997. Viewers are invited to discard the preconception of the previous artworks by these artists, like 'Red Action' in which the artist poured red paint toward the Queen Victoria statue, 'Love the Fucking Country', 'Wedding Engagement at the July 1st Protest' etc, and are welcome to appreciate the current exhibit with the most basic notion.

Basically, the Basic Law will continue to rule over Hong Kong and let it remain "unchanged" for another forty years.


Curated by: C & G

Participating Artists: Pan Xing Lei, Leung Po Shan, Kwan Sheung Chi, Cheung Hong Sang(Enoch), Clara & Gum(C & G)

Opening: 6:00pm, (Sat) 9th June, 2007.

Exhibition Period: (Sun)10 June - (Mon)9 July, 2007

Exhibition Time: 2:00 - 8:00pm, Thursday to Monday, (Closed on Tue, Wed and Public Holiday)

Address: 3/F, 222 Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Behind Pioneer Centre)

"Burning Book" -- Queen's Pier
Artist: Leung Po Shan
The Imperial Decree of Kang Xi
Artist: Enoch Cheung
Teaching Material of the Basic Law
Artist: Pan Xing Lei
Preview about the show on South China Morning Post
Photos from the Opening
Photos from the Opening
Photos from the Opening
Photos from the Opening
Photos from the Opening
Photos from the Opening
Photos from the Opening