0771: Photography Art Exhibition 藝術攝影展覽


“0771” Photography Art Exhibition

回歸十週年,城內有成千上萬的慶祝活動,當中有不少更是得到相關部門贊助的。 「回歸十週年」被官方塑造成一個普世歡騰的日子,似乎相當正面。其實這十年間,本港雖然充滿「機會」, 更存在不少「危難」。無疑,提供多不勝數的文化娛樂活動,實是一種政治手段,用以分散大家的注意力, 使市民暫且忘記政府施政上的各種問題。大部分慶回歸活動都與香港本身沒大關係,既沒有讓公眾對過去的十年作批判反思, 也沒有給他們機會去反映對現狀的意見。

有見及此,C&G藝術單位在攝影展覽《0771》中, 邀請對時事相當敏感及能作出迅速回應的三位本地藝術家:曾德平又一山人 黃國才參與,透過攝影方式展示他們眼中的 「回歸十週年」的真實片段。他們以參與者的角色於「回歸十週年」的不同時間空間進行歷史記錄, 尋找問題去質疑既定答案。

除了展出三位藝術家的攝影作品,也同場展出數十位市民提交的攝影作品,讓公眾透過影象表達他們對 的看法,訴說他們個人的故事。請按此觀看公眾寄來的7.1相片

主辦及策劃: C & G藝術單位

參展藝術家: 曾德平、又一山人、黃國才 及 廣大市民

開幕日期: 二零零七年七月十四日(星期六),下午6:00

展覽日期: 二零零七年七月十五日(星期日) 至 八月二十日(星期一)

展覽時間: 午2:00-7:30,逢星期四、五、六、日、一,


展覽地點: 香港 九龍 太子 西洋菜南街222號 三字樓 (始創中心後)

0771 Photography Art Exhibition

During the 10th anniversary of the handover, many celebration activities that are funded by the government take place in the city. The 10th anniversary is described as absolutely cheerful and positive. In fact, in the past decade, Hong Kong has gone through many 'crisises,' though also has had certain 'opportunities.' It seems to be a political strategy to provide tons of entertainment programs in order to encourage the locals to forget the dissatisfaction of government. In fact, these celebration events seldom involve the public to critically review the past 10 years or to allow them to express their own opinions about the present moment.

As an alternative, the exhibit 0771 attempts to actively engage the public to express their views of 2007.7.1 through photographic images. Besides the exhibiting artists, Kith Tsang, Anothermountainman and Kacey Wong, C&G Artpartment invited the public to submit a photo taken on the July 1st for the exhibit, 0771. These images do not only give a good picture of how some Hongkongers choose to spend their July 1st of 2007, and also allow each photo-taker to tell his/her own story of 7.1. Please press here to view the submitted photos.


Curated by¡G C & G

Participating Artists¡G Kith Tsang, Anothermountainman, Kacey Wong & all Hongkongers

Opening: 6:00pm, (Sat) 14th July, 2007.

Exhibition Period: (Sun)15 July - (Mon)20 August, 2007

Exhibition Time: 2:00 - 8:00pm, Thursday to Monday, (Closed on Tue, Wed and Public Holiday)

Address: 3/F, 222 Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Prince Edward, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Behind Pioneer Centre)

"The Love Stories of July 1" by Kith Tsang
by Anothermountainman
"Transformation, Disappearance, Being Forgotten" by Kacey Wong
News clip about the exhibition:
Article from AM 730
Photos from the opening
Photos from the opening
Photos from the opening
Photos from the opening
Photos from the opening
Photos from the opening
Photos from the opening
Photos from the opening
Photos from the opening