Sound Of Tree 樹鳴---
"Happy Valley" Hong Kong Communities Connected 3 《快活谷》香港社區連線藝術計劃 3

《快活谷》香港社區連線藝術計劃 3--- 樹鳴
"Happy Valley" Hong Kong Communities Connected 3---Sound Of Tree

C & G藝術三角於2020年10月至明年8月,每月邀請一位(共十位)本地藝術家,於跑馬地社區連結跑馬地街坊,進行一系列社區藝術活動。


1. 樹鳴( I ) —— 鳥鳴器


2. 樹鳴 (II) —— 年輪 樹木用一年的時間畫一圈,一圈一圈的組成年輪。工作坊的參與者依據樹木的年輪,製作一圈圈的銅環,運用銅環一同演奏,敲響生命的聲音。

兩項計劃會以游擊式工作坊配合展覽進行,工作坊名額1 - 3人,藝術家會帶領大家以本地樹作為開始,製作有關聲音、樹木、生命的樂器。

展覽進行期間將邀請本地藝術家魂游與鍾惠恩進行對談,討論社區藝術於跑馬地的的發展潛質。由於限聚令持續生效,對談環節現場只預留少量座位供觀眾現場參與,對談過程會透過網絡直播,請密切留意我們網站 及 facebook。活動費用全免。

‘Happy Valley’ is a one-year long community art program at C&G Art Triangle, from Oct 2020 till Aug 2021. Totally 10 local artists are invited to exhibit and/or perform every month at the art space and in the neighborhood.

The third invited artist is CHUNG Wai Ian@Mudwork. Ian makes sculptures and work with various three-dimensional media. Her artworks transform, repair and reveal the neglected everyday elements in our city. Recently, she focuses even more about topics of the nature and local trees.

Ian Chung is bringing two projects to Happy Valley in December 2020 and January 2021:
1. Sound From Tree ( I ) - Bird Call

The current workshop will teach you how to make small musical instruments out of local wood, that sound like birdcalls and songs from the trees’ memories. Participants can play together to recall the bird songs stored in the wood. It is believed that during the war, the pets of the British governor, yellow-crested cockatoos, were set free. Thereafter, the cockatoo family grows and lives in Hong Kong Island happily ever. Nowadays, Happy Valley residents often hear them everyday. This workshop encourages participants to jam in with these white cockatoos to conduct a concerto of the nature.

2. Sound From Tree (II) - Annual Ring Each tree spends a year to draw a circle. All the circles adding up together formulate a series of annual rings. The current workshop invites participates to make annual rings out of copper and then play the song of life.

These two projects will take place in a guerrilla fashion at Happy Valley. Each workshop will accommodate 1-3 participants at a time. Artist Ian will lead us to create instruments about tree and life with local wood, and exhibit in Art Triangle in the end.

An artist-dialogue with wen yau and CHUNG will take place during the exhibition, to discuss community art and Happy Valley. Due to the pandemic, there will be limited seats for the event, but the dialogue and sharing session will have live-broadcast. Please stay tuned at our website and Facebook page.


2020年12月29日(星期二),下午1:00 - 5:00
2020年12月30日(星期三),下午1:00 - 5:00

工作坊地點: 香港 跑馬地成和道39E地下7號鋪 C & G藝術三角
及 跑馬地區不同地方

展覽日期: 2021年1月4日 至 31日
展覽時間: 星期一至六,10:00至18:00,星期日及公眾假期休息
展覽及閉幕對談地點: 香港 跑馬地成和道39E地下7號鋪 C & G藝術三角 及

對談時間: 2021年1月21日(星期四),下午4:00 - 5:30
主講: 鍾惠恩 及 魂游
主題: 「年輪之聲」
Event detail:

Workshop Date & Time:
29 Dec, 2020 (Tue) 1:00pm-5:00pm
30 Dec, 2020 (Wed) 1:00pm-5:00pm

Workshop Venue: C&G Art Triangle, Unit 7, 39E Sing Woo Rd, and various sites in Happy Valley, HK
Exhibition Period: 4 Jan – 31 Jan, 2021
Exhibition Time: Mon – Sat, 10am to 6pm. Close on Sunday and Public Holiday
Exhibition Venue: C&G Art Triangle, Unit 7, 39E Sing Woo Road, Happy Valley, HK

Artist Dialogue with wen yau and Ian CHUNG : 21 Jan, 2021 4:00pm-5:30pm
Topic: ‘Annual Rings’

查詢 | Enquiry:23909332 /


鍾惠恩 Chung Wai Ian
鍾惠恩從事雕塑創作,她的作品探索城市中被忽略的日常事物,以改造、修補的方法呈現事物的可能性,近年作品題目圍繞自然生態、本地樹。2009 年,她於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院畢業。她的裝置藝術作品「水泥乒乓球枱」於藝術推廣辦事處「公共藝術計劃2015」獲選;曾參與項目包括藝術推廣辦事處「邂逅!山川人」、啟德「土炮遊樂場」、香港奧沙畫廊「這麼近那麼遠——香港和英國之間的某處」、ArtOxygen 印度孟買藝術家駐留計劃 「[en]counters2013」。她是本地藝術設計工作室MUDWORK 創辦人之一。

Chung Wai Ian’s works explores the neglected things exists in daily life, and present their possibilities through transformation and reparation. She received her BA from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2009. Her work ‘Cement Ping Pong Table’ won the ‘Public Art Scheme’ in 2015, which curated by Art Promotion Office. She has participated in projects including Art Promotion Office ‘HI! Hill’ (2018), Kai Tak ‘Play Depot’(2017), C&G Artpartment ‘Art exchange project between Kam Tin and Busan - In Search Of Peachland’ (2015), Osage Gallery ‘Both Sides Now - Somewhere between Hong Kong and the UK’ (2014), ArtOxygen ‘Mumbai Artist-in-Resident - [en]counters’ (2013). She is one of the founders of local art group ‘MUDWORK’.

魂游 wen yau

As a cross-media artist, researcher, curator and writer, wen yau has been concentrating on performance/live art and social practices in the last few years. Her works often grapple with cultural difference and intimacy in public space.

C & G藝術三角 C&G Art Triangle 「C & G藝術三角」成立於2019年,為C & G藝術單位的分部,位於跑馬地一小地鋪。以發展區內社區藝術為主要方向,期望藉此連繫「社區」、「藝術活動」和「參與者」,並嘗試把策劃元素交由參與街坊高度參與,鼓勵市民自行發展進一步延續活動。

Established in 2019, C&G Art Triangle is an extension of C&G Artpartment. It is located in a small shop at Happy Valley, and attempts to explore different art forms for community engagement. With its bottom-up curatorial direction, Art Triangle hopes to address community and social issues with down-to-earth, humorous but critical approaches.