Playful Dialogues 《遊樂‧對話》----
"Happy Valley" Hong Kong Communities Connected 8&9 《快活谷》香港社區連線藝術計劃 8&9

《快活谷》香港社區連線藝術計劃 8 & 9--- 遊樂‧對話

C & G藝術三角於2020年10月至明年8月,每月邀請一位(共十位)本地藝術家,於跑馬地社區連結跑馬地街坊,進行一系列社區藝術活動。




展覽進行期間將邀請本地藝術家魂游與余佩珊及張曉瑜進行對談,討論社區藝術於跑馬地的發展潛質。由於限聚令持續生效,對談環節現場只預留少量座位供觀眾現場參與,對談過程會透過網絡直播,請密切留意我們網站 及 facebook。活動費用全免,詳情如下:


紙品遊戲工作坊名 及 快活對話


2021年7月9、16、23、30日 (星期五)下午4:00 - 6:30
地點: 香港跑馬地C & G藝術三角及 / 或跑馬地區不同地方

展覽日期::2021年7月8日 至 7月31 日
展覽時間: 星期一至六,10:00至18:00
香港跑馬地成和道39E地下7號鋪C & G藝術三角

對談時間: 2021年7月9日(星期五),下午8:00 - 9:00

主講: 余佩珊、張曉瑜 及 魂游
主題: 「童年時」

"Happy Valley" Hong Kong Communities Connected 8 & 9 -
Playful Dialogue

‘Happy Valley’ is a one-year long community art program at C&G Art Triangle, from Oct 2020 till Aug 2021. Totally 10 local artists are invited to exhibit and/or perform every month at the art space and in the neighborhood.

The upcoming invited artist for the eighth and ninth round are YU Pui Shan and CHEUNG Hiu Yu. The two artists are collaborating together to launch a playful project in the community from June to August, 2021. The project will take place in a guerrilla fashion at Happy Valley, with an exhibition at C & G Art Triangle in the end.

Before memories fade away and before the essential characters leave for good, it is important to collect the stories of a place. YU Pui Shan and CHEUNG Hiu You began doing so for Happy Valley in 2020. They interviewed residents in the neighbourhood, and published a series of zines, titled “Delighted Dialogue,” to help share all the lovely stories about the district in the past. Each interviewee’s precious memories construct part of a larger puzzle of Happy Valley.

Part of this delighted puzzle include the memories of children playing in the neighbourhood at the age without internet. Many kaifongs shared old games they play in their interviews, like hopscotch, bean-bag-toss, rubber-band-skipping, hide-and-seek, eagle-hunt etc. There were so many collective games in the old days. YU and CHEUNG will bring a series of fun games that make use of paper origami to play with participants in Happy Valley this time. They are inviting anyone who is interested to play paper airplane, paper cannon and even paper football together. There will be 4 days of paper-based street games in the open space of Happy Valley, for all to have a taste of the playful moments without digital equipment.

An artist-dialogue with wen yau, YU Pui Shan and CHEUNG Hiu Yu will take place during the exhibition, to discuss community art and Happy Valley. Due to the pandemic, there will be limited seats for the event, but the dialogue and sharing session will have live-broadcast. Free of charge. Please stay tuned at our website and Facebook page:

Event detail:

“Free portrait drawing!” sessions:
Date & Time:
(Wed, Thu, Fri)26, 27 & 28 May, 2021; 3:30-5:30pm
(Thu, Fri)10 & 11 June, 2021; 3:30-5:30pm
Sites: C & G Art Triangle & different locations in Happy Valley

Exhibition Period: 3 - 31 July, 2021
Exhibition Time: Mon – Sat, 10am to 6pm.
Close on Sunday and Public Holiday
Exhibition & Dialogue Venue: C&G Art Triangle
Shop7, G/F, 39E Sing Woo Road, Happy Valley, HK

Artist Dialogue with wen yau YU Pui Shan and CHEUNG Hiu Yu:
(Fri) 9 July, 2021; 7:00 - 8:00pm
Topic: Childhood

查詢| Enquiry:23909332 /


余佩珊 | YU Pui Shan
本地藝術家,2010年獲澳洲墨爾本大學純藝術文學士,主修繪畫。余氏於2015年與友人在咸美頓街共同創立「街坊排檔」,踏進社區與區內街坊互動,探討當區的獨特文化。在2020年開始,協助跑馬地地區工作,從中透過訪問當區老街坊,湊合了跑馬地居民的共同回憶,並製作了《快活對話_跑馬地的人與事》及《馬照跑 區會變》棋盤,記錄了跑馬地社區今昔的生活點滴。
Local artist, awarded Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University in 2010, majoring in painting. In 2015, She co-founded "Kai Fong Pai Dong" on Hamilton Street, stepping into the community and interacting with the residents, to explore the unique culture of the district. In 2020 onwards, by assisting in the district work of Happy Valley, she interviewed with the old residents, gathered the common memories of the neighborhood, and created the "Delightful Dialogue_people and events in Happy Valley" and the boardgame “Galloping Through Time''. Captured the past and present life of the Happy Valley community.

張曉瑜(阿 Kate) | Cheung Hiu Yu (ah Kate)
Born in Hong Kong in 1999, I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Arts and Culture from The Education University of Hong Kong in 2021. I just practice my thoughts and ideas into action. I think humans need to communicate, love, and feel with ourselves and others which is a precious nature.

魂游 | wen yau

As a cross-media artist, researcher, curator and writer, wen yau has been concentrating on performance/live art and social practices in the last few years. Her works often grapple with cultural difference and intimacy in public space.

C & G | 藝術三角C&G Art Triangle

「C & G藝術三角」成立於2019年,為C & G藝術單位的分部,位於跑馬地一小地鋪。以發展區內社區藝術為主要方向,期望藉此連繫「社區」、「藝術活動」和「參與者」,並嘗試把策劃元素交由參與街坊高度參與,鼓勵市民自行發展進一步延續活動。

Established in 2019, C&G Art Triangle is an extension of C&G Artpartment. It is located in a small shop at Happy Valley, and attempts to explore different art forms for community engagement. With its bottom-up curatorial direction, Art Triangle hopes to address community and social issues with down-to-earth, humorous but critical approaches.

>> 快活對話: 跑馬地之人與事 全集 (中文版)
>> All editions of "Delightful Dialogue - A Journal of Happy Valley" (Eng)