The Camouflage Color of Happy Valley 《跑馬地迷彩計劃》----
"Happy Valley" Hong Kong Communities Connected 6 《快活谷》香港社區連線藝術計劃 6

《快活谷》香港社區連線藝術計劃 6 -跑馬地迷彩計劃

C & G藝術三角於2020年10月至明年8月,每月邀請一位(共十位)本地藝術家,於跑馬地社區連結跑馬地街坊,進行一系列社區藝術活動。

第六炮活動於2021年3 - 5月舉行,由藝術家程展緯主理。他會為大家帶來《跑馬地迷彩計劃》,這個計劃會以不定點游擊式配合展覽進行:



展覽進行期間將邀請本地藝術家魂游與程展緯進行對談,討論社區藝術於跑馬地的發展潛質。由於限聚令持續生效,對談環節現場只預留少量座位供觀眾現場參與,對談過程會透過網絡直播,請密切留意我們網站 及 facebook。活動費用全免,詳情如下:



2021年4月26日 (一)下午3:30 - 6:30
2021年5月9日 (日)下午2:00 - 5:00
地點: 香港跑馬地成和道休憩公園及跑馬地區不同地方

展覽日期:2021年4月19日 至 5月14 日
展覽時間: 星期一至六,10:00至18:00
香港跑馬地成和道39E地下7號鋪C & G藝術三角

對談時間: 2021年5月14日(星期五)-- 下午3:00 - 5:00

主講: 程展緯及魂游
主題: 「 社區藝術迷思中的迷彩」

"Happy Valley" Hong Kong Communities Connected 6 -
The Camouflage Color of Happy Valley

‘Happy Valley’ is a one-year long community art program at C&G Art Triangle, from Oct 2020 till Aug 2021. Totally 10 local artists are invited to exhibit and/or perform every month at the art space and in the neighborhood.

The sixth invited artist is Luke CHING Chin Wai. Luke is bringing a project about the The Camouflage Color of Happy Valley to the community from March to May 2021. The project will take place in a guerrilla fashion at Happy Valley. Then he will set up an exhibition at C & G Art Triangle:

Trees can grow to be our shelters, which in turn can gather different people together. Luke Ching has been wandering around in Happy Valley in the past month. Besides checking out the safety issue of the district market’s rubbish tunnel, he also has discovered the many different beautiful colors of tree leaves in the district. He is going to use all the different colored tree leaves to make art at different sites in the community or at Art Triangle, and interact with participants here with all the camouflage colors in Happy Valley.

An artist-dialogue with wen yau and Luke will take place during the exhibition, to discuss community art and Happy Valley. Due to the pandemic, there will be limited seats for the event, but the dialogue and sharing session will have live-broadcast. Free of charge. Please stay tuned at our website and Facebook page:

Event detail:

Interactive art sessions:
Date & Time:
Apr 26, 2021(Mon) 3:30-6:30pm
May 9, 2021(Sun) 2:00- 5:00pm
Sites: Sing Woo Rd Rest Garden & different locations in Happy Valley

Exhibition Period: Apr 19 - May 14, 2021
Exhibition Time: Mon – Sat, 10am to 6pm.
Close on Sunday and Public Holiday
Exhibition & Dialogue Venue: C&G Art Triangle
Shop7, G/F, 39E Sing Woo Road, Happy Valley, HK

Artist Dialogue with wen yau and Luke CHING:
May 14 2021(Fri), 3:00 - 5:00pm
Topic: The Camouflage Color in the Myths of Community Art

查詢| Enquiry:23909332 /


程展緯 | Luke CHING

畢業於香港中文大學藝術系,副修宗教。18歲前是木顏色高手(全班數一數二),篆刻都唔錯,26歲前學習混合媒介,其後專心研究繪畫空間問題及研發膠紙創作的可能,中大藝術系野史記載的作品有膠紙曱由和盲點實驗。1998年比美國作家丹布朗早發現達文西密碼。30歲前曾當四年級班主任,主教美勞兼教常識,從中學會如何用兩隻出奇蛋降服一班初小學生。翌年到美國紐約任教廣東話,可算為撐粵語運動先驅。 30歲後不久,學會游水和踏單車,但還未懂中文打字後就結婚了,算是一生的成就。以詩意作藉口,把藝術活生生的從studio推進去死氣沉沉的生活中,意思是摼了一個studio的租金。40歲前關心社會的公共空間和探討禮物經濟發展,希望在活生生的社會中回收活生生的藝術再學習。 40歲後專注個人事業發展,領悟到人生中如果沒有太多親人, 就要多一點熱情和創意,才能成為黃馬褂--一種有僱主處處維護, 像親人般射住的工作,想深一層, 勞資的關係本來應有的面相。

魂游 | wen yau

As a cross-media artist, researcher, curator and writer, wen yau has been concentrating on performance/live art and social practices in the last few years. Her works often grapple with cultural difference and intimacy in public space.

C & G | 藝術三角C&G Art Triangle

「C & G藝術三角」成立於2019年,為C & G藝術單位的分部,位於跑馬地一小地鋪。以發展區內社區藝術為主要方向,期望藉此連繫「社區」、「藝術活動」和「參與者」,並嘗試把策劃元素交由參與街坊高度參與,鼓勵市民自行發展進一步延續活動。

Established in 2019, C&G Art Triangle is an extension of C&G Artpartment. It is located in a small shop at Happy Valley, and attempts to explore different art forms for community engagement. With its bottom-up curatorial direction, Art Triangle hopes to address community and social issues with down-to-earth, humorous but critical approaches.