Blessed Are Those Who Give and Care 好人一齊平安 ----
"Happy Valley" Hong Kong Communities Connected 2 《快活谷》香港社區連線藝術計劃 2

《快活谷》香港社區連線藝術計劃 2--- 好人一齊平安
"Happy Valley" Hong Kong Communities Connected 2---Blessed Are Those Who Give and Care

C & G藝術三角於2020年10月至明年8月,每月邀請一位(共十位)本地藝術家,於跑馬地社區連結跑馬地街坊,進行一系列社區藝術活動。

第二炮活動,由藝術家白雙全主理。他的創作以觀念創作為主,其作品多取材於日常,從微細的小事,透過獨特的視線角度,觀察出別人忽略的部分,再透過藝術的手法整合其成為一個創作行動,讓日常的忽略 / 睇漏眼變成一件值得大家注意、回味、細的再日常。

1. 「摺銀紙 = 做慈善」;2. 「好相遇 / 喜雙逢」;3. 「野草移植(暫定)」


三項計劃會以工作坊形式配合展覽進行,工作坊名額3 - 5人,藝術家會帶領大家一起行善、一齊喜雙逢,誠邀對藝術、對行動、對行善、對未來仍有一絲希望的街坊參與。活動閉幕當日將邀請本地藝術家魂游與白雙全進行對談,討論社區藝術於跑馬地的的發展潛質。由於限聚令持續生效,對談環節現場只預留少量座位供觀眾現場參與,對談過程會透過網絡直播,請密切留意我們網站 及 facebook。活動費用全免,詳情如下:

‘Happy Valley’ is a one-year long community art program at C&G Art Triangle, from Oct 2020 till Aug 2021. Totally 10 local artists are invited to exhibit and/or perform every month at the art space and in the neighborhood.

The second invited artist is Tozer Pak. Most of his artworks are quite conceptual, but well-connected with a lot of small details in everyday life. Tozer often observes, with his unique perspective, what others usually neglect, and then transforms these neglected elements into series of art actions.

Tozer will bring three projects to Happy Valley in November and December:
1. ‘Fold a Banknote = Charity’ ; 2. ‘Twice as Good’ ; 3. ‘Wild Grass Transplantation (tbc)’

These projects originally were created for ‘HK House’ in ‘Echigo-Tsumari Art Filed 2020’. However, due to the pandemic, he could not visit Japan in person. He’d like to realize part of these project in Happy Valley, with residents in the area.

The three projects will be conducted as art workshops and interactive exhibitions. Each workshop will have around 3-5 participants. Artist will invite all, who still bear a little hope in art, actions and charity, to give and to discover ‘double-happiness’ together. There will be a closing event for the whole project. Local artist, wen yau, will have a dialogue with Tozer, to discuss different potentials for the arts in Happy Valley. Due to the pandemic, there will be limited seats for the event, but the dialogue and sharing session will have live-boardcast. Please stay tuned at our website and facebook page.


2020年12月3日(星期四),下午7:00 - 8:30
2020年12月17日(星期四),下午4:00 - 5:30
2020年12月28日(星期一),下午4:00 - 5:30

工作坊地點: 香港 跑馬地昌明街2號閣樓 張嘉莉區議員辦事處

展覽日期: 2020年12月11日 至 30日
展覽時間: 星期一至六,10:00至18:00,星期日及公眾假期休息
展覽及閉幕對談地點: 香港 跑馬地成和道39E地下7號鋪 C & G藝術三角 及

閉幕對談時間: 2020年12月28日(星期一),下午7:00 - 8:00
主講: 白雙全 及 魂游
主題: 「好人一齊平安」
Event detail:

Workshop Date & Time:
3 Dec, 2020 (Thur) 7:00pm-8:30pm
17 Dec, 2020 (Thur) 4:00pm-5:30pm
28 Dec, 2020 (Mon) 4:00pm-5:30pm

Workshop Venue: Clara Cheung’s District Councillor Office, M/f, 2 Cheong Ming St, Happy Valley
Exhibition Period: 11 Dec - 30 Dec, 2020
Exhibition Time: Mon – Sat, 10am to 6pm. Close on Sunday and Public Holiday
Exhibition Venue: C&G Art Triangle, Unit 7, 39E Sing Woo Road, Happy Valley, HK

Closing Event :
Artist Dialogue with wen yau and Tozer Pak: 28 Dec, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm
Topic: ‘Blessed are those who give and care’

查詢 | Enquiry:23909332 /


白雙全Pak Sheung Chuen
作為香港其中一位最有前途和最具創意的概念藝術家,白雙全運用他在香港的日常生活經驗,創作趣味濃厚卻蘊藏深思的作品,將日常經驗昇華成意料之外的驚喜和偶遇。通過使用身體與寫作作為創作的催化劑,白雙全展開探索意外及概念的旅程。白氏創作手法包羅萬有,但幾乎全都源於香港的個人體驗或生活體驗。2003 至 2008 年期間,白雙全於《明報》擔任藝術專欄作家,每週發表一件概念作品。這些作品可能是行為藝術、實驗、動作或指導,都為了在日常生活空間灌注未知的靈魂。白雙全 1977 年生於福建,1984 年移民來港,2002 年畢業於香港中文大學。

As one of Hong Kong’s most promising and creative conceptual artists, Pak Sheung Chuen draws from his daily life experiences in and around Hong Kong to create playful, yet thoughtful, works that upturn ordinary everyday experiences into unexpected surprises and encounters. Using his body and writings as catalysts for his works, Pak embarks on journeys that allow him to explore the notions of the accidental and arbitrary. His gestures range from the obvious to the absurd but almost always originate from personal experience and lived experience in Hong Kong. From the years 2003 to 2008 Pak served as an art columnist for the newspaper Ming Pao, during which time he published a conceptual work every week. Each of these works—which can be described as performances, experiments, actions, or instructions—were intended to inject a spirit of the unknown into the space of everyday life. Born in 1977 in Fujian, Pak immigrated to Hong Kong in 1984 and graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2002.

魂游 wen yau

As a cross-media artist, researcher, curator and writer, wen yau has been concentrating on performance/live art and social practices in the last few years. Her works often grapple with cultural difference and intimacy in public space.

C & G藝術三角 C&G Art Triangle 「C & G藝術三角」成立於2019年,為C & G藝術單位的分部,位於跑馬地一小地鋪。以發展區內社區藝術為主要方向,期望藉此連繫「社區」、「藝術活動」和「參與者」,並嘗試把策劃元素交由參與街坊高度參與,鼓勵市民自行發展進一步延續活動。

Established in 2019, C&G Art Triangle is an extension of C&G Artpartment. It is located in a small shop at Happy Valley, and attempts to explore different art forms for community engagement. With its bottom-up curatorial direction, Art Triangle hopes to address community and social issues with down-to-earth, humorous but critical approaches.