"Curate No More" - Performance Art Documentation 《策你老毛》 之 「行為藝術紀錄」

(5) 《策你老毛》之 「行為藝術紀錄」“Curate No More” --- Performance Art Documentation

內容: 於2013年9月至2015年8月,每星期到全港各港鐵站,發掘每個車站附近非人性化、老土、被視若無睹、被荒廢的建築 或 戶外公共雕塑 或 空地,並以此作為背景,拍攝藝術家一個跳舞動作,預計兩年後共有一百個跳舞動作,並可串連成一輯簡短的單格動畫

Content: Every week from September 2013 to August 2015, Gum goes to one MTR subway station to discover nearby sculptures, architectures or empty space that are non-user friendly, too much old-fashioned or being completely abandoned. Using his “discovery” as background, Gum then takes one photo of one dance posture around each MTR station. All the photos of different dance postures will be combined to be a simple stop-motion animation.





-Around 90 photos taken around different MTR stations, during the 100 weeks, will be printed out in A3 size and exhibited in order. Meanwhile, a 1-minute stop-motion animation will be projected, with the artist’s figure in a life size ratio in the venue. This series of works attempts to reveal problematic issues about public space, through the artist’s perspective, in a humorous and critical way.


2015年9月17-10月4日(每日早上10:00 - 下午6:00)

香港 九龍 九龍塘 禧福道五號 香港浸會大學傳理視藝大樓 「顧明均展覽廳」

Exhibition Period and venue:

17 Sept - 4 Oct 2015, 10:00am - 6:00pm

Koo Ming Kown Exhibition Gallery, the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University,

5 Hereford Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong