'Harcourt Road' | '夏慤道' Art Exhibition

Commissioned by: Bloc Projects
Supported by: the School of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield

Exhibition DETAIL:
Artists: C & G Artpartment
(Clara CHEUNG and Gum CHENG)
Date: 6 April - 5 May, 2023
Venue: Bloc Projects Gallery, 71 Eyre Lane, Sheffield S1 4RB, UK


Harcourt Road is an expansive project by C & G Artpartment (Clara Cheung and Gum Cheng) that compares the hyperlocal heritages of a street with the same name in Sheffield and Hong Kong (HK).

Like many who actively participated in the city’s democratic struggles, Clara and Gum emigrated from HK when the national security laws were forcibly implemented in 2021. Their relocation to Sheffield has come with some unexpected familiarities, most notable of which are the names of streets: Pitt Street, Duke Street, Stanley Street and many more can also be found in HK. But for this long-term research and community engagement work, we have chosen to focus on Harcourt Road. A leafy residential street in Sheffield with underexplored histories of migration and community organising, Harcourt Road is, in contrast, an arterial route prone to traffic in HK’s city centre. With government buildings and the Golden Bauhinia Square nearby, the road was crucially also the heart of the Umbrella Movement when, in 2014, it was occupied by protesters for over three months.

In collaboration with residents, researchers, activists and wider publics in both places, C & G Artpartment will spend the next 18 months retrieving the vernacular and intangible heritages of the streets in Sheffield and HK, bringing together stories of migration, colony and socio-political belonging. This programme in April 2023 is an introductory look to the Harcourt Road world so far, which includes: a rich mapping of street names in both Sheffield in Hong Kong, via cartography and postcard making; public interventions; and a painting exhibition. Join us also for a day of outdoor sketching on Sat 29 April at Crookes Valley Park, where the artists will introduce the road to participants and passers-by.

>>Please CLICK HERE for the exhibition handout, and

>> CLICK HERE for the article "Harcourt Road Art Project" by C & G Artpartment in Power Nap Post, an online art-zine published by Para Site Art Space


對我Clara嚟講,生活喺香港,如果唔揸車,你對城市地理嘅了解多 數都係停留喺一個由建築物、購物中心同地鐵站名組成嘅網絡上面。 2014年雨傘運動期間,我開始四圍認街名,同實際行唔同嘅街、認清 楚D主要方向方位,所以對夏慤道有咗更多嘅了解。

對我阿金嚟講,最初認識夏慤道,應該係90年代初,我曾經擁有嘅一 部聲寶牌輕便手提卡式機(俗稱Walkman)壞咗,咁我攞去維修嘅地址 就係金鐘夏慤道海富中心。咁我當時查呢個維修地址嘅時候,就認識 咗夏慤道,亦都查字典查到個「慤」字係讀確。

香港,自2003年開始,7月1號都會有針對政府嘅大型遊行,路線係由 銅鑼灣維多利亞公園遊行到當時嘅中環政府總部。喺2011年8月新政 府總部開始啟用,咁之後嘅遊行路線就改去位於夏慤道隔離嘅新政府 總部。

2014年9月28號,雨傘運動開始,呢個係一個長達79日嘅佔領運動, 以敦促香港政府按照香港憲法嘅承諾進行普選。咁運動開始嘅點就係 政府總部夏慤道一帶,夏慤道係當時第一個被佔領嘅地點,香港人第 一次喺一個下晝、一個地點「食」咗87個催淚彈。跟住就佔領埋旺角 彌敦道,同埋銅鑼灣SOGO附近。

香港嘅夏慤道係一條有8條行車線、好闊嘅公路。 喺雨傘運動期間,金鐘嘅夏慤道被帳篷、睡袋、學生圖書館、公民討 論、露天音樂會同好多其他社區活動所佔據。2014年尾,喺政府清場 前,夏慤道變成咗79日嘅公民廣場。清場前一晚,夏慤道橋上面掛起 咗一條寫住「we will be back (中文:我哋會返嚟)」嘅黃色長直幡。 呢D都係事實。 2014年後,中共對香港政府嘅箝制進一步加強,未能兌現香港人真普 選嘅承諾。5年後,2019年,《逃犯條例》(俗稱「送中條例」)出台, 香港人重返街頭。今次香港人無咁多佔領,而係用游擊戰術,而Be Water就成為咗2019年反送中運動嘅座右銘。 咁喺正政府總部嘅夏慤道,仍然係抗爭要點。2019年呢場運動我哋食 咗更多更多催淚彈,但警方就唔敢再公佈使用量喇。C & G曾經同其他 香港人一齊喺夏慤道上面,喺催淚煙之中,流晒大汗、有D驚、左閃 右避嘅記憶,係我哋喺錫菲呢度,仲要喺樹蔭底第一次見到Harcourt Road(夏慤道)路牌時嘅反應。

夏慤道對我哋C & G嚟講,已經同抗爭連結咗

我哋C & G喺2021年搬嚟英國錫菲住之後,自然會四圍行吓,認下附近啲 路,咁啱行過呢度嘅夏慤道,個腦即時比較呢度同香港嘅夏慤道,即時 好多抗爭嘅畫面喺腦度出現,雖然同錫菲又優雅、樹蔭小路、斜頂排屋 格格不入,但呢種聯想係抑制唔到。

2021年到而家,經過咗好多次呢度嘅夏慤道,總係覺得應該要做返啲嘢。 咁喺舊年(2022年)有機會參與一個叫做 "Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2022" 嘅英國香港藝術交流計劃。就開展咗我哋有關錫菲同香港同名街道嘅一 D創作同埋諗法。(請登入呢個網址瀏覽詳情: https://peertopeerexchange.org/projects/back-forth)

今年2023年,我哋C & G有機會被Bloc Projects邀請,參加一個為期一 年至一年半嘅駐場計劃,咁我哋就順理成章喺呢個計劃裏邊探討更多關 於由香港夏慤道引申到錫菲夏慤道嘅故事,咁由而家至到2024、2025年 或者再長啲嘅時間都會研究夏慤道,包括佢哋嘅歷史、個人故事、野 史、鬼故、文獻、文物、發展等等。

呢個展覽就係呢系列計劃嘅開始,我哋會喺呢度收集大家對夏慤道嘅個 人故事,故事圍繞香港嘅又好、錫菲嘅又好,甚至其他地方嘅夏慤道都 可以。喺展場入面嘅繪畫作品,係我哋對夏慤道嘅親身經歷、生活故事、 同埋一啲刺激大家聯想、鼓勵大家分享故事嘅創作。等大家欣賞我哋嘅 創作之餘,可以刺激下大家,希望大家可以分享返,將夏慤道故事比多 啲人知。唔講你哋可能唔知,香港夏慤道嘅路牌裡面嘅「慤」字都唔統 一,我就搵到三個唔同嘅「慤」字,包括:「慤」、「愨」同埋「𢡱」 (見圖),邊個字先最正宗就唔知喇。

咁我哋又無發現呢度嘅"Harcourt Road"有串錯字嘅。: )

呢個展覽仲有一個配套活動,係2023年4月29號,下晝1 - 4點,會喺呢度嘅夏慤道一帶做戶外寫生, 我哋提供材料㗎。有興趣嘅朋友,可以喺呢度報名: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/600318016347/


installation view

Oil on canvas by Gum CHENG

Oil on canvas by Gum CHENG [64cm(H) x 34cm(W)]
Title: 2019年6月16日私人 WhatsApp | Personal WhatsApp
16 June 2019
~出咗夏慤道lu | Just left Harcourt Road

Oil on canvas by Gum CHENG; audience's responses;
Acrylic on canvas by Clara Cheung

Audience's responses

Audience's responses