Asterisks 《雪花》----
"Happy Valley" Hong Kong Communities Connected 4 《快活谷》香港社區連線藝術計劃 4

《快活谷》香港社區連線藝術計劃 4 -雪花

C & G藝術三角於2020年10月至明年8月,每月邀請一位(共十位)本地藝術家,於跑馬地社區連結跑馬地街坊,進行一系列社區藝術活動。

第四炮活動於2021年1 - 2月舉行,由藝術家唐偉傑主理。他會為大家帶來1個小計劃,這個計劃會以定點式臨時工作室配合展覽進行:


「近排好凍,令我諗返起了在中學時的落雪嘅時候。然後我覺得可以做啲雪花圖案,不過我會叫呢啲係星號。Keyboard holdshift 8嗰粒符號,翻譯叫做星號。聽落有啲騎呢.....算數,中文叫返做雪花。


今個月我將會喺CG 藝術三角度用我慣常手法示範點樣製作粒雪花。所以如果你唔明我講乜,可以親身嚟同我傾傾,唔該晒!」


臨時工作室日期及時間: 2021年1月14 - 30日(逢星期四、五、六),

下午2:00 - 5:00

臨時工作室地點: 香港跑馬地成和道39E地下7號鋪

C & G藝術三角

展覽日期: 2021年2月1日至28日
展覽時間: 星期一至六,10:00至18:00,星期日及公眾假期休息
展覽及對談地點: 香港跑馬地成和道39E地下7號鋪C & G藝術三角

對談時間: 2021年2月26日(星期五),晚上8:30 - 9:30

主講: 唐偉傑及魂游
主題: 「符號意義」

"Happy Valley" Hong Kong Communities Connected 4 - Asterisks

‘Happy Valley’ is a one-year long community art program at C&G Art Triangle, from Oct 2020 till Aug 2021. Totally 10 local artists are invited to exhibit and/or perform every month at the art space and in the neighborhood.

Thefourthinvited artist is TONG Wai Kit(Damon). Damon is bringing a project to Happy Valley in January to February 2021. The project will take place at C & G Art Triangle. He will set up a temporary artist studio and exhibit his artworks there.


‘The weather is getting really cold recently, which reminds me a bit of the snowy days when I was still in school. I feel like making some snowflake pattern, but snowflake is such weak word. I’ll call it Asterisks, that symbol on the keyboard when you hold “shift” and press “8”? Yes, that one.

Asterisks….. it can be anything.

I’ll be “performing” how to make the asterisks using my typical way inC&G Art Triangle this month, so if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you can come speak to me in person. See you around!’

An artist-dialogue with wen yau and Damon will take place during the exhibition, to discuss community art and Happy Valley. Due to the pandemic, there will be limited seats for the event, but the dialogue and sharing session will have live-broadcast.Free of charge. Please stay tuned at our website and Facebook page:

Event detail:

Studio Open Date & Time: 14 - 30Jan, 2021(Every Thu, Fri, Sat)


StudioVenue: C&G Art Triangle

Shop7, G/F, 39E Sing Woo Road, Happy Valley, HK

Exhibition Period: 1 -28February, 2021
Exhibition Time: Mon – Sat, 10am to 6pm. Close on Sunday and Public Holiday
Exhibition & Dialogue Venue: C&G Art Triangle, Shop7, G/F, 39E Sing Woo Road, Happy Valley, HK

Artist Dialogue with wen yau and Damon TONG:

(Friday), 26 February, 2021, 8:30pm-9:30pm
Topic: Symbol Meaning

查詢| Enquiry:23909332 /


唐偉傑TONG Wai Kit(Damon)


Damon TONGreceived his Bachelor of Art degree in Fine Art from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (co-presented with the Hong Kong Art School) in 2008 and his Master of Visual Arts from the Hong Kong Baptist University in 2013. He is also a member of Rental United, an artist trio established in 2009, which is known for their participatory practices.

魂游wen yau

As a cross-media artist, researcher, curator and writer, wen yau has been concentrating on performance/live art and social practices in the last few years. Her works often grapple with cultural difference and intimacy in public space.

C & G藝術三角C&G Art Triangle

「C & G藝術三角」成立於2019年,為C & G藝術單位的分部,位於跑馬地一小地鋪。以發展區內社區藝術為主要方向,期望藉此連繫「社區」、「藝術活動」和「參與者」,並嘗試把策劃元素交由參與街坊高度參與,鼓勵市民自行發展進一步延續活動。

Established in 2019, C&G Art Triangle is an extension of C&G Artpartment. It is located in a small shop at Happy Valley, and attempts to explore different art forms for community engagement. With its bottom-up curatorial direction, Art Triangle hopes to address community and social issues with down-to-earth, humorous but critical approaches.